Watch at about 28 seconds in on the right side of the video. It happens fast ... you may need to rewind or enlarge.
A neighbor rolled video while a house burned nearby. As the Wausau Fire Department started to put its initial line into service, firefighters were drawn to Side D of the home. There, 20-year-old Houa Thao was coming out of a second-floor window. Firefighters gathered underneath him and caught the man. He was uninjured.
The man's three teenage sisters escaped before the arrival of firefighters.
Indications are the fire started around 1:00 PM in the kitchen of the home.
This is the second fire for the family in eight-years.
The crew members without helmets on are not immediately involved in suppression opeartions and are in the foreground donning SCBA masks
I would disagree with this statement. FFs stretching hose lines and carrying ladders ARE directly involved in suppression activities. All PPEs, including helmets, need to be worn. One FF is helping stretch a 1.75 and then goes back for a ladder all without a helmet. Poor fireground safety. I can see no other explanation.
I hope this isn't the norm. The perfect firefighters from perfect departments that NEVER F--- up and always wear all their PPE when the step off of the BRT on air, that can take a 70 second video and completely critique an incident that they weren't at is pathetic. Hopefully we can learn either from examples of how not to do something, or examples of how to do something correctly without armchair quarterbacking too much. As far as pushing fire with a hose stream, seen it done, done it. Anyone that says you can't push fire (that includes flame, super heated gasses, smoke and the rest of the nasty by-products of combustion) needs to get out of the classroom and get into the field.
wow..... props to those firemen... i think some ppl on here are being over critical its not like every scene will go planned by the book perfect and ppl (even firemen) are human