I am sure that this has been discussed before on here. But I am curious what tools you and your dept. use the most and find the most valuable to have on scene.

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A set of irons is a must for every truck. I also am a big believer in the TIC. You shouldn't become tottaly dependent on it but it should still be used. All of our officers come off with a TIC and extra battery on all structure fires. We also have used them on rollover at night were we suspect ejection, into thick woods. As a captain once said "a firefighter without a tool is just a informed citzen."
Thanks For the information.
We go everywhere with focible entry tools. Halligan and an ax are the primary. Those can get you about anywhere in many situations.
"As a captain once said "a firefighter without a tool is just a informed citzen."
No truer words have i heard in ages
That was a good one!
We got a Denver tool and I believe it only came out of it's mounting bracket twice since we got it and one of those times was to tape the handle. A set of irons is a much better tool. The Denver tool is a good concept but is a little overweight and awkward for practical use. Like I stated we bought one and no body uses it. Just my 2 cents.
Something that I have not seen posted yet is a variety of different sized bolt cutters. to be used for things such as cutting battery cables at MVA's to cutting lock for forcible entry and the such.
The res q wrench is a very useful personal tool
u might want to go with pike poles of different lengths on your truck.. having just one of one length is not a good idea..
hey guys,, if your going to use slang names of tools,, could u please put the common name they go by in here also for the newbies, rookies and so forth to understand what they are??
I know that I personally carry a small 6 inch set of bolt cutters in my gear pocket. Mostly for personal egress in a Sticky situation. But I have used them for many a battery cable And they are also good for smaller pad locks on most gas well gates around here.
dont forget a hose real for hose for the jaws, and a real for a nice long leangth of electric cord to use if u have a generator built into the transmission...

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