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My question stems from the issue of doing background checks on potential and current members. We require all of our applicants to sign a release to have a criminal, educational, and residential background check completed. I was wondering, what other departments use as their resource for doing these types of checks? Do you use the Sheriff's Dept., individual companies, or what other means are there???
Again, Thanks!!!!

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I think my dept. only does a driving records check but honestly I am not sure what all they do on background checks.
In our Va. community we use the state police to do the background check along with the DMV to check driving records.
We check,
driving records=DMV
back ground checks=State police
and you have to be recommended by a member in good standing.
We require the applicant provide current DMV record and proof of current liability insurance. In addition, each applicant member or employee, must go to the Fire Marshals office for a criminal background check. They are told beforehand if they have any outstanding warrants for unpaid tickets etc., they had better take care of them before going. We've had a couple that chose not to, and were arrested on the spot. Applicants are checked through the Texas Crime Information Center, and the National Crime Information Center.
Hi Shonda, As I have posted before on the FFN, one needs to be careful with what one say's on public forums, such as the FFN, MySpace, Facebook, etc. HR folks routinely now spend time surfing the internet for comments, actions or things that one might have expressed using one of these public forums, where ANYONE can read what you said, often times not even going through the FFN site but instead through google search engines that identify the words to the person...

Other involved agencies include DMV records, local Sheriff Department folks who run your fingerprints as well as determine if you have ever had a brush with the law. And finally, the majority of the "background check" items are done by Human Resources folks. This would include following up on education, prior residences and your personal references. I suppose I should mention that it is not uncommon to have prospective firefighters also be required to undergo a complete physical and psychological examination.

Some departments like the Los Angeles City Fire Department require candidates to undergo a swim test as well. It has less to do with swimming than it does with identifying whether or not the individual has tatoos or not, which are no longer allowed for firefighters in many departments. My wife, who works as a registered nurse told me that nursing school candidates are not allowed to have tatoos either because it scares the patient. Either way, in the context of background checks, it bears merit to share this additional piece of information for those intersted in pursuing a career as a professional firefighter in Southern California.
Before a candidate can be proposed for membership they must have a state police background check which is their responsibility to obtain. We do it this way as to avoid the step of having them sign a release.
Prior to hire - Criminal background and driving record check performed by our local PD
Post hire - driving record is checked every 6 months on all staff, staff must also submit current vehicle registration and proof of insurance. Local PD will notify us of any brushes with the law.
Hello, i was just going to add that to the ffn discussion .Yes your local fire dept. should work close with your local sheriffs dept. to do all back round checks for future fir department fire fighter's . And that includes going from town too town fire dept. And state too state . And if we could do it a finger print should be applied to the application . So if there was a arson fire fighter they could match prints to the crime scene .Tell me what you think about it ? Would like feed back along with Shonda feelings .Thank you ! Lt.Chris N.Y
After July 1, 2001 the State of South Carolina required criminal records checks of all new firefighters, career or volunteer. They are completed the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division.

All firefighters are registered with the SC Fire Marshall's Office primarily so that there can be a clearinghouse to prevent problem people from moving from department to department to department.
We have our County Sherrif run a background check on every applicant...Has worked quite well for us....Paul
Thanks so much for your insight and response to my question. You have been very helpful.

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