We've all come upon car fires that the latch on the front of the hood is melted and apart from giving the hood a good yank (which sometimes works) what is the easiest way to open it?
We got called out on a structure fire in the middle of me writen this. Got canceled. Anyhew Once the fire is knocked down then force the hood open and finish overhaul.
We will put the majority of the fire out first by hitting it from underneath, then using the rescue saw, cut through the hood on a 45degree angle above the hinges, the hood will then come off looking like a triangle, quick and easy. It saves getting the jaws and spreaders out!
Start with the halligan / axe combo, while that is happening, our operator grabs our battery operated sawzall. If we have to, we just cut the receiver of the latch and open the thing up. Usually pretty easy. We've found jaws and k12's to be a little overkill; however, sure is fun.