Sometimes i just want to pull out my hair. I find it almost imposible to jugle being a single mom of a 2 year old, whos father took off, work full time while trying to get my foot in the door, and just taking care of the little man.

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Andrea, you can pm me anytime. I've been doing this now for almost 13 years and like I said, it hasn't always been easy, and it's still not technically, "easy", but it's always worth it!!

Take care of yoU!!
Your doing great...just keep your chin up and keep pushing forward. it's not going to be easy, but your son is young enough to adapt, and you need to remember that this type of career always pays the bills,and is very steady. Its just hard work getting in, and harder keeping the family strong, it'll work out.
andrea make sure you keep going i will help you if you need it charles
Hang in there, Andrea. I know how frustrating it is, but you'll get through it.

When thigns get really tough, drop you son off at your Mom's or a friend's and do a little "me time." An hour on the nike will clear your head and let you get back to the groundstone with a level head.

Hey there!
Well dont pull your hair out, long hair is a lot more attractive! You look like your doin a great job with the lil firefighter! Keep your head up, that will help! O, and one more thing, Smile!!!!! :)
I am not a single parent so to speak. However my wife goes to night school (college) and never gets to see the kids except on sundays. IT WILL get better hang on. Your son is your life I know. We hav 3 kids all under the age of 6 . It can be challengeing at times. I work FT and am a Vollunteer FF. Sleep is the one thing I miss the most.LOL But would not trade 1 min of sleep if it meant not being there to help my kids,or someone in trouble. Good luck. Sorry to hear about his "dad" not being around. But maybe it is for the best in the long run. Stay safe your son needs you.
Thread moved to off duty category.
We all bear our burdens differently... If this discussion got her through that day, then it served its purpose.

Yep, we all have our problems, and sometimes a little sympathy from strangers is all we need to keep movin'-on. It's the kind of problem you don't want to bit** about in front of coworkers or your family, but just need to get off your chest.

True. Many, especially the up-coming generation grew up with Jerry Springer and Rikki Lake as the norm.

I mean this is the kind of thing I would bit** about over a beer with a buddy or two, and not in public. However, for the "MySpace generation" posting something like is just like sitting around a lounge and BS-ing after shift. In her mind, we are fellow firefighters, parents, acquaintances and she's just doing her share bellyaching about the things in life she can't change...but it makes her feel better to say them anyway.

It is the nature of "Social networks" for people on them to share what older generations would have considered "private information" with everyone on the network. It is what it is.

I have to go now, I feel a deuce coming on.


Were suppose to be a brotherhood. She needed to get something off her chest so this was the place to do it.
Your doing great trust me my mom rasied me until I was almost 9. Before she got married. I will tell you he thinks the world of you no matter what you do. And when you do find that someone to bring into your lives. And he gets to be a teen. and things are weird he will be able tio talk to you about anything . And trust you with his teen age secrets. Know from expirence I can tell my mom anything and everything. Just remember if you do get married do let him fell like an outside no matter what and he will be your best friend forever.
ONe more thing my mom also went to school while is was a kid. but only for 2 years I didnt see her much but she still made time to read to me. single parents ARE HEROS

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