Watch at about 28 seconds in on the right side of the video. It happens fast ... you may need to rewind or enlarge.
A neighbor rolled video while a house burned nearby. As the Wausau Fire Department started to put its initial line into service, firefighters were drawn to Side D of the home. There, 20-year-old Houa Thao was coming out of a second-floor window. Firefighters gathered underneath him and caught the man. He was uninjured.
The man's three teenage sisters escaped before the arrival of firefighters.
Indications are the fire started around 1:00 PM in the kitchen of the home.
This is the second fire for the family in eight-years.
Permalink Reply by jake on February 22, 2009 at 10:20pm
mate cut them some slack. u dont know the situation. there could be many reasons as to why there is no water. dont go saying crap about the situation when u got noidea wats going on behind the camera ae. good catch guys.
I wasn't there so I won't criticize......but, until we make it a habit to take ground ladders off the BRT's at the same time as we are grabbing hose lines, we will continue to see scenes like this one. I doubt this would have made You Tube as a great save if the four or five brothers catching this guy had gone down with back and shoulder injuries. Instead it would be under the topic of Local F.D. screws up again. I doubt that the Wausau F.D. wants or needs that kind of P.R. nightmare, not to mention the resulting NIOSH investigation, had they all gotten hurt.