Hey ya'll Im an avid fire t-shirt collector. Im sure as many of you I have waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many blue t's....but I just can't stop!!!! Always looking for some new ad exciting ones....Would love some other departments 9-11 shirts or Hurricane Katrina shirts.....let me know!!!!

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hey im a fire explorer and love fd t-shirts is it possible that you can swing a shirt my way?
I am a firefighter out of Baxter Springs Kansas....I am pretty sure that if you wanted a Baxter Springs Fire Dept shirt we could send you one...let me know
that sounds great email me @bigwillblaze@gmail.com and we will set it up!
Hey, I was looking for tees too? cud i get one? be gald to pay!
i would love to have a new york fire department tee any one intrested in tradeing tees from the nyfd send me a message on my page. oh and by the way I am an xl thanks
Trading Post: Patches, Tees & More
The place for trading patches, tees and more. NO FOR SALE ITEMS!

this is the headline underneath the discussion catogory. Iplan on trading with other people too. .
by the way i do know that you should act and carry yourself like a professional. i mean no disrespect
Hey Bro
Check out my pics on my page and let me know if their r any shirts u would like to trade for.
if anyone could get me a shirt email me at firechick0000@yahoo.com
I am a Baxter Springs, KS FF would like to trade patches with you please email me at cearnals@embarqmail.com if you would be interested ...Thanks
Sorry I have not been on in a while...if your are still wanting a shirt liet me know the size and we will see what we can do to get it to you
I am an Australian Firefighter and I would love to get hold of some American t-shirts. I can be contacted at teza.bright@hotmail.com Cheers

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