You're the Company Officer on an Engine Company that's responding to a report of a BBQ grill on fire in the driveway. The incident address is for a residential occupancy within a development community that was built in the mid-1990’s. It's located about five minutes from the station.
Your engine is coming down the side street and you can see a black plume header in the air over some roof tops, you do not have a clear view of the house yet, as you’re about a block away. As you come around the corner of the address street you immediately observe smoke showing and flame, as you’re driver just goes past a fire hydrant. You arrive and see it’s much more than a BBQ grill.
You step out of the engine cab and around the front of the engine and take in the view from the street…..There is no one immediately present that is coming up to greet you…the balance of your company personal are getting out of the cab.
Now, based upon what your immediate street observations ; provide a narrative of what your initial radio transmission is going to communicate….
Think about what needs to be said, and how it needs to be stated.
Provide a narrative transcript of what your transmission will sound like.
Second item on your immediate itinerary is; what are you going to do?
What NEEDS to be done NEXT, or IN-PARALLEL?
What orders are you going to assign?
What do you need to personally do?
Followed by the usual dance card items: Risk Profile, Safety issue, needs….
….did someone say there were 24 oz. steaks and ribs on that grill….?
BTW...you were the only engine (company) assigned to this alarm on the initial dispatch.....