Lets see your helmets FF's!

I also have some questions...

I have a fire helmet thats about 10 years old and I was wondering if you guys think it is still usable. The crash pad is still good and there are ear flaps and all. The front emblem is just smashed up.

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For one thing, no tets....not compliant, and someone correct me if I am wrong, if the stickers on the inside of the helmet are missing, that may DQ it from compliance as well. Nice hat though.
nice bat wings, wedges and shamrocks... : )
bad news if this helmet was in my world... seems that a firefighter sued his department and won here in litigious California because the department did not have a policy prohibiting stickers on the helmet. the individual was involved in a flashover where the stickers melted, and burned his neck and back. the knee jerk reaction was that no stickers are allowed on any of our helmets, which forced the issue to go from number and department logo stickers to a leather helmet shield and magnets for the station numbers.
right on brother,leather forever.
Ya, the Batman sticker even glows in the dark. And I have a huge reflective shamrock along with my garrity light on the other side of the helmet.
Hmm, maybe I should remove a coupe of the shamrocks on mine.
Oops. I still haven't checked to see if our helmets have a 'use by' date... But mine are still clean.
I would post a picture of my helmet but I have dial up at my current location. It's a black ben 2 with 2 reflective LT. stickers and a cheap head light, I take it off for firefighting it's strictly for rescue. I will say I have seen a lot of traditional helmets on here with only Bourke's no goggles or shield speaking of the NFPA.
This was my first helmet, an MSA Gallet F1. It got some pretty good fires and u can see it. It is a glow in the dark painted helmet (standard this way).

A year a go we got our new structural helmets, the MSA Gallet F1 SF. It's also a glow in the dark helmet.

A for rescue a have an MSA F2X-treme (white with yellow reflective markings), Bollé googles and petzl LED Light.

My new Cairns New Yorker, cant see it very well in the pic, but i have the new black tets on there(reflect silver), look cool on the helmet Also i have the most important quote under the brim- OMNIS CEDO DOMUS- "Everyone Goes Home"
Omnis Cedo Domus

My old Rosenbauer Heros, been in use from 2000-2008, with UK 4AA flashlight
Like to keep my gears as clean as possible..

No photos yet from my new Rosenbauer Extreme
You Europeans and your funky looking firefighter helmets, hahaha, just kidding. Whatever protects your noggin.

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