now i know we dont have as much expirence as hundreds of "salty" ff's on this website, but we can still share our stories.. ideas and training expirences amoungst one another cant we?

so tell me, how many explorers are in your post?
has your explorer post ever went to a fire academy?
what color is your bunker gear?
are you ff only? medic? fire-rescue?
do you get treated good? or treated like bottom of the pole scum?
plans for the future? further in the fire service? (i.e.. fire investagator?)

there is much to talk about, i just need someone to talk to..

a little about me
My name is Dale Foust
i have been at BTFD for about two years,
i am 16 years young and my birtday is july 25th,
my girlfriend lives about 2 mins away from the fd which i love becuase i go sleep there when im not on shift, or she brings me food,

Our bunker gear is a yellow, morning glory i belive, and we actualy have our names on the helmets (ff style) and i really like that look,
we have 9 cadets, 7 active,
we need to buy new gear because we only have 5 sets,
we have 4 on shift in the day, 3 at night.. part time dept.
our rigs
3151,3152,3153, squads
3146,3147 ladder
3135, tanker
3124, engine
3173, heavy rescue,
3191, brush unit/ utilites
3181,82,83,84,85.. dodge durangos.. our chaser vehicles

we are soon to get another tanker and heavy rescue,

our dept is the only dept in our twnsp, altough i work in Bainbridge i live in Aurora, Ohio.
Bainbridge is roughly 25 square miles

over the summer the dept payed for 5 of us (that just happend to be the current number of active cadets) to go to O.Y.F.E.T.A{ohio youth fire and ems training academy}. it was fun but we didnt learn much, were looking for better places to go next summer, any ideas?

EDIT 1/13/09 if you would like to trade shirts w/ me, go here

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Well, I'm a senior firefighter, but I'll respond for the juniors we have in my department, as I don't think any of them are on this website. It's the Sharpsville Fire Department, located right next door to you in Pennsylvania, right on the Ohio boarder. We only have 3 juniors, but all three are very active in the department and do a great job helping us at fire scenes, MVAs and medical calls. They wear Cheiftain bunkers, beige in color. Red Cairns 1010 helmets. The red helmets signify they are juniors and not allowed into structures or immediate danger areas around MVAs or medical calls. And they have leather fronts/shields for their helmets with their names on them. They're allowed to attend the Mercer County Fire School and take classes, plus they do in house training with us and other departments on a weekly basis. The Mercer County Fire School is a pretty good one, held annually for a week, and instructors are brought in from all over the northeast. We have Engine 82, Ladder 82, Rescue 82 and Squad 82. The Squad is more of a Chiefs/chaser vehicle. But, they're allowed to ride on all apparatus to calls if there's room, which more often than not there is. In my 10 years I've only seen a junior have to get kicked off a truck once for a call, hehe. And we treat them pretty good in my department, but they're always the first to have to clean and wash the trucks ; )
Hey all,

I'm Brian obviously,I am 17 and I am on the Milford Community Fire Dept. when I 1st got on I was the only cadet and under no real program direction. I still went down to the station regularly and made runs with my dad from home. If it wasn't for my dad being a long time volunteer I would have never made it on until months later. Now our program has a new leader and we have about 4-5 other cadets that are active. I have been around for about 2 years as a cadet officially but I have been involved heavily in non-fire activities for the past 4-5 years and before that I was around the fire house and parades with my dad. I live about 5 minutes from the station so its real easy to get to.
I got brand new bunker gear from morning pride. We are a FT/PT/Vol dept with 10 on during the day and 6 at night. With most full timers coming down after hours for any fire runs.

We have 2 command vehicles one for the weekend offices the other for the asst chief. - District 71 and Car 7102
1 Ford Crown Vic squad car- Car 7169
1 2005(or 06) Chevy SIlverado 1500 pick up truck- Support 72
1 1999 Chevy 3500 cherry picker truck w/ extra air bottles and fill tanks- Support 71
3 Engines 1993 Seagrave 1st out Heavy Rescue- Engine 71
2002 Seagrave NYC style pumper, 3rd out, 1st out for mutual aide- Engine 72
1985 Seagrave pumper 4th out on structural runs
1 Ladder truck 2006 Seagrave 100' ladder 2nd out on most structure runs- Ladder 71
2 2006 Wheeled Coach E-450 Ambulance - Medic 71 and Medic 72

I can ride any apparatus and go on basically any of our calls, our medics are on staff so I only respond to the station for fire calls, usually making the ladder truck as the engine is also staffed
Sorry to intrude on your site but just wanted you tell you that we "old" firefighters do appreciate what you do and hope you have a safe and productive experience in the fire service. Thank you.
your not intruding, your more then welcome to put your opnion up, hope to see you around the site, take care gary
hmmm... I guess I'm one of the old salty guys, at least my hair is gray, so that alone is enough to be considered salty? anyway, thought I'd mention that you have to start out somewhere, gaining experience and knowledge to progress with your career path toward becoming a full time career firefigther, or at least that's my assumption here. I wanted to point out to you and all the other junior or firefighter explorers that you are very fortunate to have this opportunity.

I hope that my department isn't setting a trend here but pretty much all the reserve programs here have been phased out due to the increased costs associated with both training and liability. Simply put, the requirements to maintain certification and proficiency overwhelmed the programs.

Politics got involved as well with my department deciding to do away with the explorer program because of the stance that the Boy Scouts of America took against gay firefighters. It was considered a hot potato that no one wanted to have anything to do with. We still have a program where the kids show up at the station but no responses are invovled and there is not a lot of support for the program anymore.

You are in a different situation that champions younger folks to learn about the career and actually do things.

"An opportunity is not an opportunity unless you fully exploit it."

Keep on exploiting your opportunities. It will lend itself well toward your final goals.

TCSS and Train Often!

Mike Schlags, Fire Captain
Santa Barbara, CA
About me:
Name: Marc Hurwitz
Age: 16.5
Fire Department : Los Angles City ----- Explorer Post 68
Position: Explorer Captain
# of Explorers at my post: 18
Active Explorers: 8
# of Explorers ranked over me at my post: 0
Fire Academy: i will this summer, 3 guys have and most of us have taken fire science classes
Turnout grear color: Yellow, its made by Body Guard (both structure gear and brush gear)
Treatment: I get treated great by most of the guys!
plans for the future:- I will get my paramedics Licence
- Go get a fire science degree at University of Maryland (while playing D1 Lacrosse)
- Join LAFD as a Paramedic/Firefighter
- Work for 10 years as a FF/PM and then apply for EMS Captain
- Become an EMS capt for 15-20 years
- Retire to some where nice

At our post
(fire station 68):
Engine 68 (E68)-
2005 Seagrave tripple

ALS Rescuse (RA68)-
2004 Ford F250 w/ Wheeled Coach Back

BLS Rescue (RA868)-
2004 Ford F250 w/ Wheeled Coach Back

EMS Captain (EM18)-
1998 GMC Suburban

My home station
(fire statoin 58):
Engine (E58)-
2006 Pierce Arrow XT

ALS Rescue (RA58)-
2004 Ford F250 w/ Wheeled Coach Back

Truck (T58)-
2001 American Lafrace tiller

Pump (engine-- E258)
1996 Seagrave tripple

Plug-buggie (PB58)
1993 Ford F250 Superduty Pickup
More pics
more pix
last of my pics
sorry there are so many lol
I agree 100% Jerry
nothing wrong with that, keep em comming =)
those are some crazy camera angles

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