Lets see your helmets FF's!

I also have some questions...

I have a fire helmet thats about 10 years old and I was wondering if you guys think it is still usable. The crash pad is still good and there are ear flaps and all. The front emblem is just smashed up.

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This is a picture of 2 of our helmet and shield styles. Helmet on the right is the old school cairns 1010 with our old style helmet front and the helmet on the left is our new style cairns 1044 defender shield with our new style helmet front.
this picture is of a morning pride(R) and an older M.S.A. (L) between 1940-1979, somewhere in that timeframe. the morning pride i got from ebay, the msa was given to me from my old dept. after we had cleaned out the hose tower . they had stored old turnouts , helmets & hoses at the top. the M.S.A. was also the type that was on the tv show emergancy
What type of helmet do you have? Has there been any major damage done to it, Any change in its color from heat?
It all depends on how much abuse it has taken, Is it compliant with all your depts requirements? Is it discolored? Is it NFPA cleared? These are questions you need to look at. Be safe and remember 2 in 2 out
i say if passes code its ok but my advise is to probably go out and have a ur dept get new helmets
It looks exactly like Ben Hattons one on the left. Its a cairns and its got no discoloration and the shield is good. What will it say on it if its "legal" its got no NFPA stickers but its not cracked or anything. I can't see a model number it just says Cairns and Bros and there are two plastic studs on the front for leather fronts...Sorry about the image quality its off my blackjack phone. I also took off the old tetrahedrons.
It wont say anything if its as you state"Legal" . It should have a NFPA sticker in it if it is NFPA complient. I would really consider getting a new helmet. Remember that it is the only thing between you and a truss coming down on your head. Be careful and remember 2 in 2 out
Here's a few I have. The high eagle is a late 1800's--early 1900's from Providence, R.I.. Second is an early (30's to 40's?) Cairns leather I restored with everything original, third is, an old school 880 from the mid 80's with a front from The Illinois Fire Service Institute, where I work on off days. After that is a Ben 2 that I also use to teach that's about 7 years old and seen plenty of live burns and house burns. Next is my first 880 I bought in 1990 brand new and was my first helmet to use teaching. The yellow leather I bought to use brand new in '92 to use at my volunteer department, very well used for almost 8 years. The yellow composite is a 1010 when they were first introduced around '95, and was my engineer helmet, thank goodness I knew how to weasal out of pumping! And my last one I have on this post is a Ben 2 with a front from T-51 in Chicago, where my best friend started out at in '91
I'll try to put some more out when I can,
Everyone be safe----R
....Here's some more of the pics...
..................The end. I got the order a little whacked...sorry...
I noticed your bio says 4 yrs on FD the 10 yr old helmet sounds like a hand-me-down. You should have be issued a new helmet . That way you always know its history ( what its been threw)
FF's Gear is sacred !
Would wear some one elses shoes ? Start new and call it your own .

When you retire or leave it to your kids it will be a part of your history being passed on, not some other guys.
Bingo Dave, I see new guys with old helmets they bought on Ebay. They think it makes them look salty.

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