my question to my fellow dingers, and women) metalheads and vollies. what does your RURAL department have for guidelines reguarding personal vehicles responding to incidents . im asking this to collect data, not to ridicule or critisize. thanks

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POVs are not emergency vehicles, you must obey all vehicle and traffic laws while driving to the scene. You get a ticket for speeding or some other infraction, it's your problem. (NYS is a blue light state so there are no issues with sirens on POVs)

Do not proceed up a driveway or private roadway; leave it free for fire apparatus.

On scene, park all vehicles on the same side of the road, or as directed by fire police.

This has been discussed in other threads, so a search may turn up more data for you.
thanks bro.
i cant find anything on pov in a search. what im getting at is less gawkers on seen and more engine/rescue personel on apperatus. because we are rural andthe first due is spread out a little, its a toss up between what you could do. i dont want to loose responders but pov's on scene are a hazard even when done correctly. id like to see manpower available for the call and for standby for another( it happens!).
All responding members of our dept. are to report to the station, until the unit/units that are required for type of incident are reported enroute, unless the incident is between the responders location and the station. All responders must obey local, and state traffic laws. All POVs must park on the same side of the roadway in a manner not to block incoming units, as Joe's dept. in the reply above. We all carry a set of full turnout gear in our POVs because most of our members live over a mile out. We try to limit the number of POVs on the scene. Our feelings are, they can present a whole new set of problems at an incident scene, especially in bad weather.
what about those who hang back and wait for the units to respond and then respond with pov. why i dont know but it happens. that and the" i was in the area" shpeal.
My department that Iam with now does not have any guidelines, but they do wish people would go to the station to get the trucks going. The last volli house I was with did have guidlines, with them it was the station to get the trucks unless you are a officer or you had to go past the incident to get to the station.
We stress that personnel are to respond to the station to fill apparatus whenever possible to do so... The only exceptions are that an officer should go "On Scene" and size up.

The closest Chief should go direct.

Everyone else should staff apparatus.
thanks bro

Joe's right about searching for previous posts on this subject. It should be helpful and less redundant. Go to the search box in the top right hand corner of this page and type in POV and click on search. You will find 73 pages for POV. Good luck my brother. TCSS
agreed. thats what i myself want to happen. all personell to the station works and works well, ive seen it work. i guess its a question of how to present it to what is already there. and to clarify.... the department DOES do a good job with the current situation, but you can always try to move farther foreward to make it safer for everyone.
thanks bro
Here in Michigan, POV's are also state certified emergency service vehicles. After you take the required driving and academic portions you will get your POV responder license.

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