So what are some of the animals besides deer do you all hunt with your bows? So now lets hear some of those hunting stories. I know that we all have some

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BEAR i went on a trip in canada one year i did not get one but my cuz got a nice one about 475lbs
Good sounds like a fun trip!
Coyotes, squirrels (use up all your crap arrows lol) and turkey here
I pretty much hunt full time with my bow. In Colorado I go after Elk, Black Bear, Turkey's and Antelope. When ever I get a wildland fire assignment I go after hogs. That will get you blood a racing!
Ok where do I start, as a member of Young Hunters Unlimited I had the great previlge to take 3 kids out to KO some toms. I had Jaxon with me that first morning which was cold, windy and boring nothing moving. So that afternoon we went back to my Double Bull and sat and waited. 2 hours later Jaxon said "I need to go to the bathroom" darn now what, so I opened the zipper to let him out. While granddad watched the front I watched Jaxon so he didn't wander too far. Al of a sudden Granddad said "David look.....3 turkeys" oh yes there were 3 turkey not 30 yds away and Jaxon in the brush. I hurried Jaxon back although when he got in tripped on the blind door, made noise as he got sitted again......but your looking the wrong way. Granddad and I rushed to change his position, I just knew turkeys gone.....oh but no they still there great, now that is good. Ok yelp,yelp, yelp, cluck, cluck, cluck yes "Jaxon" I said "that one is a jake but it is ok you bust him when I say so" yelp,yelp, yelp, cluck, cluck, cluck "Ready" oops went behind tree. Oh there is the other one, a longbeard, yelp,yelp, yelp, cluck, cluck, cluck, "Ok when his head clears that little brush pile bust him" here he comes yelp,yelp, yelp, cluck, cluck, cluck "Now Jaxon get him" B O O M went his 20 gauge. ALLRIGHT Jaxon WAY TO GO was all you could hear. "Oh wait I need to take a photo for the website stay right there, point your shotgun like your shooting," I said. So I got out, got the shot focused and Granddad said "David did that turkey go down?" I said "way sure it did..........." but why is trotting around in circles towards me then. Jaxon shoot him again B O O M. He did turkey wobbled and kept trotting off. "Wait Jaxon" click almost forgot the photo. "Come on let's get him.....shoot him." B O O M this time a clear miss turkey runs to brush pile "Come on buddy we got him now" Jaxon B O O M and finally dead turkey.
So if you have kept track that was 4 yes I said 4 shots. Anyway a GREAT time was had by all even though the other 2 only harvested hogs the excitment was ever where that night.

Turkey was 21 lbs had 8" beard and 3/4" and 7/8" spurs


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