I am sure that this has been discussed before on here. But I am curious what tools you and your dept. use the most and find the most valuable to have on scene.

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The integrated webbing slings are ok... but sliding the halligan through the straps is extremely effective. To each their own, but it's always one more option in the book.
a pick axe and a pike pole
Depends on the unit I am on.....If I am on the Ladder Company for the tour the offcier brings a 6 foot NY Roof Hook and flat head axe, The firefighter brings a 6 Foot NY Roof hook, and a halligan bar. We split the Irons becuase you have to have two to use them and this will make sure you stay together as a team.

If I am on the engine company for the tour I am bringing hose lines, waters cans, and the irons between me and the officer.

Also make sure you have "life" saving tools in your gear. Door chocks, knife, cable cutters, weebing, caribeenrs, and rope.
the department that i am on, we have 3 stations. and all the pumpers we have are all the same. they have all the same tools and some what int he same spot on every truck. we have also most every tools you could think of useing on a fire scene rescue scene. trench rescue. high angle. the list goes on and on.
my JD 650J Type 2 Fire Dozer, or maybe a council rake, axe, shovel or chainsaw
AMEN BROTHER!! Too bad common sense isn't more common, it could take the title!
A pick axe on my belt and a chain saw in my hands. Inside, swap the saw for a halligan.
I'm finding out a skidgin works pretty well, but a combi-tool works best in my hands, if I can't find a chainsaw
If you have a pick axe inside what do you use to strike the halligan if you need to force a door? Just curious
Either the set of irons or the new york hook
Power hawk makes a good set of elec tools and you can get them in a kit with a variety of power tools they are great for over haul and investigation.Hurst came out with a new set of jaws there a single line quick connect that can be changed out under pressure I have not used them but Ive been reading up on them and they sound real nice you might do some homework on those and see if they fit the need.Also depending on the need scene safety signs and LZ lighting we are in a rural area and use PHI and Lifeline alot not to mention the LZ lights kit can be purchased with stands for the strobes and double for MVA scene safety. Confined space vent fans are great when working in a basement but may not be a high demand for primary. I would suggest doing alot of home work on this because you need to fit the truck for your department needs. The order of apparatus response will say alot are you career or volunteer. Alot of career dept sound an alarm and have a set order app response where as volunteer dept have the same but are limited to the amount of personel responding the order may be on structure fire pumper fist with x amount min man power on board then tender so on ask what your need is what all responds and how quick response is what is the coverage etc. I understand you just want info on mostly used or liked tools but this just one of those things where only your dept knows what is best for the dept. Have you you talked this over with the officers on your dept or at least the chief they may not want any outside input not to be a d*** but just trying to help. Nobody knows your needs better than you and as far as tools go you plobly aready figured out that opinions very.
While it always depends on the call a Halligan bar seems to come off the truck the most in our department

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