Woken up this morning by a phone call from my wife at 0545 hours.
Heart rate always racing when woken from a deep sleep, especially when you see the caller ID as your partner!
She'd hit a kangaroo on her way to work. For those not familiar with them,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kangaroo This was a fairly young roo and definitely not at full height and weight.
She was doing 110 km/h in the dark on the freeway when suddenly there was an explosion and she lost control of the vehicle, travelling for another 200 odd metres with zero visibility.

Major structural damage to the front of the vehicle and the roof where the roo flew up and over on impact.
Intersting that neight driver or passanger front airbags deployed- based on my training and experience, this collision met all the criteria in terms of speed, collision zone/location, etc.
Anyway, one of those way too close to home phone calls for me...!
BTW, the roo came off second best and the wife is all OK as well.... :)