Does anyone know where to find statistics regarding fires caused by lint in dryer vent hoses.

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You might be able to contact your state Office of Fire Prevention for statistics, or they can put you in contact with the right people, hope this helps...
I looked on the NFA website thinking that they would have something in their database, but they don't break it down to causes. I then googled "dryer fires" and looked at a couple of sites. I have to say I was surprised at what I found, US FF respond to an average of 15,500 dryer fires each year, this surpasses chimney fire, and results in 75.4 million in fire loss, up to 30 deaths and 400 injuries, these stats are from 1997, I'm sure that todays figures are far greater.
I would try Under writers labs..UL listings keep great records as would OSHA ..POASHA and the states reporting system for reports where you live..your state NFIRS..and consumer affairs might have some info

Pretty much all the info you couls need on dryer lint fires
Ask your department fire investigator. I know its high. One of my classmates from rookie schools house burnt because of the vent hose. Thankfully his family was safe and he had insurance.
Try contacting the NFIRS people.
You should be able to go to OFPC (Office of Fire Prevention and Control) or the National Fire Administration...they have the stats....thats why we have to do the BFIR's on every call....for the stats....Good luck......stay safe.....Paul

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