Hey all! Is anyone else bored and at work like me? How is everyone? X

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Forgive me for being thick but when you say wreck do you mean a car accident? Over here in England we call them an RTA or a road traffic accident! Hehe!
no thats not being thick, yes its a car accident. I try to watch how i type because there is a tendency to speak southern english rather then plain english. lol might be a good discussion group question we call it this what do you call it.
Ha ha yeah thats a good idea! There so many differences in the way you guys say or call things to us English folk!
it would be nice to hear what the same thing is called from different parts of the world, i would guess that even within each country there are some differences. lol ok you go ahead a start it and i will respond with ours around locally
Ok what do you call....hmmm....this is hard. Ok what do you call a local grocery store? Here we call it a paper shop!
good morning jen how are you this fine morning.
paper shop? wow no we call it a grocery store. what about drug store?
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