I know many of us full-time firefighters have second jobs on our days off. I work as an ambulance dispatcher on the side right now, but two jobs in emergency services is sometimes too much, so I was just wondering what everyone else does for side jobs. Thought I might be able to get some ideas for a new part-time job from everyone else.
For my part time job I am also a firefighter/emt with a small rural community about 20 mins away from were I work. The call load is very small mabey 1 or 2 a day so it doesn't overwhelm me.
I also do some pinch hitting for my Uncle and father(also a fireman) part time lawn care service if they get to busy.
Permalink Reply by John on January 20, 2009 at 3:21pm
My regular job is the part-paid on call Firefighter and part-time in-house EMT with the same department. I have it great cause my wife works the regular job and lets me have all the time I need to run fire and EMS
Career firefighter here. I just retired from my VFD because after 28 years I need a little time away to decompress. I help teach music at the local high school on my off shifts. Work w/ the choral director with soloists and small groups. Also, I teach industrial HAZCOM, HAZWOPER, Confined Space, Fire Protection, and OSHA Compliance courses...real good money in these, but not a "full time/part time" job. Periodically work at my mother-in-laws farm, and sometimes work at a local auction house as a "pack mule". Just use my back, not my head and don't have to make any decisions. What a life!