Caption this picture- I just stumbled upon it on the web...

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I'm baaaaaack
And they thought they could get away with beatinmg me...?
allls i can think is "mwahahahah" haha
I got even for her taking my barbie jeep.
Think what I can do with a chemistry set.
Heh heh hw....they'll never suspect that it was me.
I told her never let me our of her sight..look what i can do
That fire should destroy all the evidence of my counterfeiting ring!
Ah reminds me of my 4 yr old with daddys temper, can only guess what shes thinken. " Next time daddy dont tell me I cant watch Backdraft." Oh and did tell her that, pissed her off.
Desperate houswives...Huh! they aren't the only ones!
OOP'S I did it again.
If that isn't the look of.......HA-HA! That will show them. Go ahead and ground me again, I dare you.

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