This announcement will be in the February issue of the Volunteer Firefighter magazine, but since you people are smart enough and are plugged into the whole online experience (I would hope, otherwise how would you be reading this unless telepathically?) you get the news first.

Due to unanticipated scheduling issues, the Training and Education committee regretfully wishes to inform you that Kim Alyn, who was going to present her topic “Real Leadership in the Fire Service is Not for Wimps!” at the 2009 FASNY Annual Convention on August 19, 2009 in Niagara Falls, will not be in attendance. She will also be unable to join in the “Meet the Experts” Round Table discussion on Thursday, August 20 with J. Gordon Routley and Chief Al Brunacini. Due to the tight scheduling on Wednesday, Ms. Alyn’s time slot will not be filled and the two powerhouse presenters (Chief Billy G. and J. Gordon Routley) slated to speak that afternoon will have ample time to cover their respective topics.

There is, however, a silver lining in every cloud, and I’m delighted to announce that Erie County Deputy Fire Coordinator /FASNY Recruitment and Retention Chairman Tiger Schmittendorf was approached to join the Round Table discussion on Thursday and he graciously agreed. For those of you who missed it, Tiger brought his “Recruitment and Retention: Rescue and Recovery” program to Albany in October at the Legislative weekend and gave a dynamic and thought-provoking presentation. He will be an exciting addition to the Round Table lineup.

We're also (and this is NOT in the magazine, so keep yer yaps shut) hoping for a surprise addition to the Thursday Round Table lineup, but currently that's nothing more than salacious gossip. I'll keep you posted.
Stay safe, wear your seatbelt,

Views: 154

Replies to This Discussion

I knew you were writing THIS as I was writing THAT.

So take THAT.

I'm there.
And a bunch of the boys from K-bury will be in attendance
I agree with Mr. Brown, and way to go another great convention it sounds like.
How's your firefighting going and the training,I sure hope you are wearing your seat belt
Bob--thanks...things are going well...but still waiting for my first real structure fire (tapping fingers impatiently) ...and I always wear my know better than that!!!

Jim--Glad to hear you guys are going. I think you'll get a lot out of it. If you can catch me when I'm not either losing my mind, running frantically from one thing to the other or being a cranky witch, I might even buy you a beverage.
I think I saw here at the fire prevention seminar in Montour Falls, too bad, great speaker.


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