If you could only have one gift for Christmas, what would it be?
Philosophical/material; you have one shot.
What is it?

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No more LODDs!!
Money. FOLDING money!!! And LOTS of it!!
Art, thats a tough one there, I guess I'd have to say my dream home! No more house payment:)
I'd like to be as good a FF as I seem to remember that I was...It's hell getting old, but it beats the alternative! However the parallel universe does have a perverse ring to it when you add Kali's life of debauchery and crime.
My mother passed away two days before Christmas in 2001 if I had one gift it would be to have Christmas one more time with her.
I would want plain and simple just for peace for everyone and everyplace..
Peace and happiness, no more death and destruction, espeacially no more Firefighter deaths.
peace and goodwill to ALL people
Since I already have the love of my family and friends, I think I'd have to go with financial security. No more worrying about money ever again! Oh and world peace...:)
Well asking for Peace On Earth doesn't seem to be working. I've given up on the red Jag with the vanity plate SHECHIEF. Money doesn't buy happiness but it can keep you a lot more comfortable while you are looking for the happy part so I guess that would be it to win a good size lottery so I won't have to worry about all the bills for a while until the boy gets through college & my husband's health improves.

All my life I have heard "Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Clause". Maybe he'll show up sometime with the GOOD stuff.
I would ask for the 700 Billion Bailout...

Then I would give it all away so everyone was MORTGAGE FREE.
One awesome night of sleep at Work. (The simple things are the best!)

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