ok. i have visited other fire houses and been around several different fire houses my whole life. And i was just wondering what is the deal with fire houses and porn. the fire house im at now is the only one ive ever been in where there wasnt any porn. So wuts the deal with fire houses and having porn?

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Based on the way this discussion has now deteriorated, it's time to unsubscribe- not going anywhere now.... :(
Umm, I'm not WestPhilly, in case you had not noticed.
Philly and I can both verify that we're not each other.

So it's OK for you to scream about your freedom of speech, but it's an attack as soon as anyone else uses theirs? You've got to be kidding me.

You say that Answers.com is not a dictionary. Their own title says "Dictionary, Encyclopedia, and more". If you'd bothered to check out the link, you'd have noticed. In other words, I posted a direct quote from their home page.

Now please explain how posting a link to Answers.com is belittling you or an attack on you.
I may have used the same example but the point is still there in the post about her finding it offensive but I guess we could always imagine in your alternate universe that you wanted westphilly to go that it did not happen!

Kali already cut and pasted the dictionary definition of that word for you earlier in this discussion.

If you can't or won't understand that online dictionaries are indeed dictionaries, then you're in denial of a proven 15-year-old technology used by millions of people per day.

And...you used the sarcastic term "Einstien" (sic) in a post where you replied to one of your own posts. That's pretty good evidence that I wasn't the one belittling you.
Mine doesn't have porn. The guys hung up a Dreger girl poster it wasn't really "porn". She was wearing a string bikini, SCBA & a helmet and left a LOT to the imagination. So, the firefighter hunks poster went up. HE was wearing bunker pants. Not long after, BOTH came down and no one knows who took them down or where they went but it hasn't happened again. The Chief did find some porn sites on the computer but that has stopped as well. Who ever was doing it didn't realize that the computer gets STDs from those sites and attracts malware, adware & all kinds of other crap with them. When the computer was junked up & couldn't be used for its intended purpose, the chief made a statement in a meeting about it & it ceased.
This is a good definition. I didn't see the words sexually explicit in there but that is what I call porn. There is a difference in PORN and what some consider "inappropriate". And here we go back into the women being in "men's territory", almost. I don't find the pictures in Sports Illustrated offensive. I don't want to look at young beautiful women with the bodies of a goddess myself but I understand why the guys do. Personally, I don't find PLAYBOY offensive or many other magazines sold on newsstands. I don't however care for those sold only in ADULT bookstores. This type of material should not be left in view of anyone who might visit the fire station such as the public, politicians, friends, wives, mothers, girl friends or children.

I don't think that a woman who walks willingly into a man's locker room should be offended by what she finds there. What is "inappropriate" in a place that is intended for men only or women only for that matter?

I DO think it is inappropriate for a female fire fighter of any age no matter how proud she is of her body (or guys either) to wear "suggestive" clothing to a FD function. There are certain parts of the anatomy that should not be overly exposed or advertised in public when you say you are trying to be "equal" to the other firefighters. Someone once said that discretion is the better part of valor. I think that still applies to a lot of things. Then again, I realize that there is a difference between chauvinism and chivalry even though it is often a fine line.
I'm afraid I am going to have to unplug from this delightful exchange.
It's amazing how quickly it deteriorated.
Simply amazing.
I am with you Art, this is definately circling the drain.

Definition of Insanity - Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. We have spoken alot about reading LODD reports and learning from other's misfortune and mistakes.

And once again, I have wasted valuable time and effort on FFN trying to educate fellow brothers about the newest "sexual harrassment" or "inappropriate behavior" problem within the fire service.

The fire service is supposed to hold the trust of the public, without this trust the basic foundation of our organization is weakened. Imagine, the PR blitz with internet porn on a city computer or within the firehouse on a personal laptop. The media will twist that story to make every mom with a small child, worry about the next time a firefighter comes in contact with her family. Guilt by association... same as money missing from an apartment that we forced entry on. Everybody in the firehouse is a thief!

I am done on this thread... best of luck to those served a "future" termination pink slip stating, "Conduct Unbecoming of a Firefighter or Fire Officer" all of which will follow you forever.

you read that in a fortune cookie Ted? :)
I am not going to follow this discussion either.
Hi; it's me again.
To the "freedom of speech" provocateers, I'd just like to remind them that you really don't have it HERE. This website is privately owned and the owners, for any number of ambiguous reasons, most likely reasons that you don't agree with, can remove what you said, remove the thread in which you said it and remove you from the website.
You have the right to use foul and abusive language. I have a right not to see it or hear it.
And for those who think it's silly to not allow porn in the "crapper"? If I, as chief of department says it is not to be on fire department property, not only does that mean the building, but what's in the building-locker, restroom, DVD, in your lunch bucket-and outside the building such as in the parking lot, which may include your car. You don't like it? Turn your stuff in. Being a firefighter is a privilege and not a right. And the courts have upheld that, as a public servant, your "freedom of speech" has limits.
That's my last word on this.


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