I am wanting to start using LDH in our dept. and am wondering if I can convince the majority into changing their thought process. Let me add that we are in a rural area, and no departments that might provide aid uses LDH. Should we make the switch?
We are fortunate to have several water sources, but hilly terrain access is an issue in our upscale lake home areas. That is where I think LDH will be the most effective.
Takes some time to get everyone convinced to use it. 20 years or so ago we were in the same situation. We went ahead and got it, (4 inch) and ended up going to 5 inch after finding how easy it is to use. Big commitment to chnage and you will need all the adapeters to connect. We were so commited that we ended up requiring 5 inch storz connection for the sprinker connections on all new construction. We would neve go back once we got it. Beats picking up two or three lays of hose rathen than one heavy one.
I'm surprised you aren't already using it. Without LDH in my area, also rural, we would have far more loss of property. The use of LDH is by far a smart move for your department to make. Are you still using dual 3" lay? If nothing else consider the huge reduction in friction loss in converting to LDH. That alone is reason enough to switch if you long lays. Just remember that if you do end up with mutual aid they will need adaptors to hook up to your LDH. Just my 2 pennies worth. We love 5" hose.
My area concentrates all on shuttling water. A load of LDH is way more economical than trying to keep more apparatus up. I have never heard anyone else mention going to LDH. Call volume is extremely low. Then you add in "C" word (change), and everyone still uses 2-1/2'' or 3'' supply lines, then they will say "We just did'nt have enough water". We can do better than that in our district and we will !