ok. i have visited other fire houses and been around several different fire houses my whole life. And i was just wondering what is the deal with fire houses and porn. the fire house im at now is the only one ive ever been in where there wasnt any porn. So wuts the deal with fire houses and having porn?
What do you mean by porn? I mean I see posters of women in bikini's and stuff but never naked women. As far as computers nobody looks at porn that I'm aware of.
Thats a pretty strict computers policy. We are just not allowed on "graphic or offensive" websites. We can still check our email and browse the net when we aren't supposed to be doing anything since we aren't required to be "productive" for the entire 24 hours except when responding to calls.
i think that its wrong non of the fire houses around me and spec not my fire house we do not have that stuff there. I mean hey little kids come to our station all the time... it deff should be baned from fire stations... I think that porn should be somthing if at all you look at when you are home.. not while you are at work.. come on you are getting paid to save lives not to look at porn..
It seems that what people view as porn changes from day to day. We never had nude pictures hanging in our station but did have a poster of a girl standing next to a tanker truck I posted the story earlier.
But the "I should say ex-chiefs girlfriend" must have found it offensive because she ripped it up and threw it away. So now we are not allowed to have any posters or calenders with bikini's or without in the station.