What happened to the chat portion of FFN hmmm maybe its being worked on we will see hope to see it back up and running

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Send your question directly to Dave the webmaster. He's good about getting back to you with answers to your questions.

They took itoff Megan.. I guess to many fights in there or not conducting theirselves in an adult manner.. Hoping he brings it back , I made a lot of good friends in there.. Always helped blow some steam off at the end of a long day...
what is going on with the chatroom rightnow is it being work on or what
i am thinking they took it off EMS guy.. I tried to acces it from another page and it says it has been removed..Have no idea where any is gonna talk now.. Kind of crappy if u ask me..
The chat room has been removed, permanently, due to continued inappropriate activity by some members. Since there are always new 'troublemakers' and such, and only a fraction of the membership of FFN participates in the chat room, it just is not worth the trouble to support any longer.

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