I am a really big American LaFrance fan . The one on my pics is a 2001 American LaFrance Eagle Series Rescue/Engine . My second favorite would ba a Pierce Dash

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Ewww, not a fan on E One at all.

We have an 85 FMC Roughneck W/BEAN pump, a 1997 Pierce W/Waterous pump (International Chassis) and a 2004 Ferrara W/Hale pump (International Chassis). I have to say that out of all of them I like the Pierce the best as far an operational stand point, but that's because it's a top mount pump. I have to say as far as reliability and water supply, the old 85 FMC beats them all hands down. That baby will pump 1250 just barely up off an idle. That mother will throw some water. It's got a Cat 3208 in it and a 5 speed. Now, as far as drive ability and maneuverability gotta be the 04 Ferrara. Unfortunately our last chief ordered this one and it is SOOOOO TALL. Standing on the ground you can't even reach the crosslays. There aren't any hand holds on them either so reloading is a major pain.

When I run into the station on a 1070 call, the one I grab is the 97 Peirce. All the trucks are equipped with the same equipment so it doesn't matter who grabs what, so I grab good ole Engine 182, and off we go.

The last GOOD ALF was the Century series,hehe T.c.

2001 AmericanLaface 100ft Ariel ^^^^

2006 Arrow XT ^^^^^^

2002 Dash ^^^^^^

I like different things about the following, but if i HAD to choose one it would be the Pierce Dash for Engine, AmericanLafrace for Truck.

2002 Pierce Dash: Love the body construction and a Great Work Horse (never heard of Any problems with it)
2001 American Lafrance 100ft Ariel: Large Cab Room, Great Handeling, and a Work Horse (never had a problem with it in the 5 years i have been at the station)
2006 Pierce Arrow XT: Great body construction, a Great Work Horse, and its Big so everyone can see it! (but easily sercomes to mechanical Problems)

Marc Hurwitz

we have 4 american lafrance trucks. one is a 3,000 pumper tanker and the other two are 2,000 gallon pumper tankers. and we have a 105 ft rear mount aeral truck witha 500 gallon tank. all these truck are 2001's and are going to be get to new truck within the next year don't know if they will be lafraces or not. the chief wants to try a new truck like what one of are neighboing deaprtments just put into service. don't know the name but they love the truck.
Our company has 4 KME's and I love all of them ( 3 engines and a rescue squad) I may be a little partial since my dad is a rep and builds KME's.

Our apparatus: http://www.funkstownfireco.org/About/apparatus.html
I was alsways impressed by ALF thinking they were "real" fire trucks. But in 2003, the dept I was with bought an ALF Ambulance on a Ford E-450 chassis. What a piece of junk. The truck was poorly engineered, and cheaply constructed. You could even see the dirty hand prints on one on the bare metal of one of the shelves in the inside compartments when it was delivered. The factory didn't even clean it before shipment. Things broke and fell off within a couple months of delivery. We ran about 2-3 calls a day, so I don't think we were wearing it out, I was so disappointed.

I realize you were probably asking about Fire Apparatus, but I just needed to vent a little. It seems Pierce builds a quality apparatus from what I have seen/heard. Also, Rosenbauer seems to have some kick-ass engineering on rigs that I have seen at FDIC Indy.
personally i am a kme guy they are the best trucks for their price
E-One all the way Baby!
well i used tobe a big seagrave fan but ive really gotten into liking the HME and Rosenbaur firetrucks.for example the freightliner thats my default has a rosenbaur chasis and it seems like nothing can stop it
I don't really prefer one or the other as long as it gets the job done. There are good and bad in all manufactors. But my department will never buy a Sutphen after the #*!(#^$ we just got from them... it's bad when you get an estimate and the company doesn't stand by it and goes over... to where the department can't afford the truck.

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