Just wondering if anyone can help me i just became a volunteer firefighter about 4 month's ago and im starting the academy january 5th of 09. What kind of gear do you recommend that i get beside's the PPE gear lol . Im talking about light's, glove keeper, spanner wrench, window punch , stuff like that . And if any brand's are better than other's or were i can get this stuff at . And what kind of P.O.V. light's thank you in advanced.


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Here's the thing, when you're at the academy, they pretty much have all you need and you really won't need anything in a hurry, it's only more stuff to weigh you down and for you to keep track of. aside from maybe a pair of work gloves, I would recommend waiting until you get out of the academy. but that's just me.
I don't like weighing myself down any more than what I have too. With that said I do carry the following:

extrication gloves
seatbelt cutter
section of rope w/ hook
spanner wrench
window punch

When you get out in the field and start getting some experience you will find what items you like and can start acquiring them then.

Best of luck to you,

Welcome to the Brotherhood get to know this name Galls, as it will more than likely become your new best friend..lol..
My personal recommendations are in your bunkers get at least 50' of personal life rope and a 300lb rated carabiner tie the rope to it tape down the knot coil it NEATLY in either a mini rope bag or bunker pocket attach the carabiner to your hip loop and good to go, this rope is a valuable tool, you have an easy way to bailout if there is no ladder at a window, you have a sure fire way to find your way out in a search, throw rope in a water or ice rescue...total cost is about 10 bucks for rope 8-10 for carabiner, and if you buy the bag another 15...here is the plus if you buy your rope bag, pov light and other items at galls and spend over 100.00 you can get a multitool free of charge, the multi tool is a pretty good extra item to have as well opens to pliers has a knife saw blade like a swiss army knife but more balls to it.

They also sell a great window pop hammer / seat belt cutter and sometimes you can get that for free instead of the multitool, for personal light like a helmet light or stream light which ever you go with get LED, so much clearer.
a few other items you might consider are dykes, wire cutter, reg. srewdriver philips, latex gloves ,wedges, with xmas around the corner al these items make awesome stocking stuffers if anyone you know is looking to get you something last minute...
For pov light its endless but again galls sells a LED blue light by Talon, pretty awesome light for daytime and night run..sells for like 125.00 but worth it to be seen, oh and there is one more tool , advice, so heres some for free it will be hard and tough as we all been there done that but try not to be Dale jr. going to a call in your pov and don't forget you have to stop at signs and lights as well..good luck any questons we are here for each other
Yo, Donnie,
Before you go super wacker and buy every toy you can stick on your gear. Go through your essentials class and see how you do with the stuff your supposed to wear as opposed to the 10 pounds of stuff you don't need in your pants & jacket pockets, and on your helmet .

Stay Low
I'll go with what the 'jumper said. Don't buy anything. Wait until you've finished the Academy.

POV lights? Do all the Vols in your new FD use them? If so, maybe you should - but be careful. And here's a tip, when you first start responding, the adrenaline will be trying to control you - don't let it, you take control and slow down!

As for all the other things, why not wait until you find out what you need. Not just what you think you'll want. Start out carrying nothing but the essentials (I include gloves for MVA's and nitrile gloves here). Then perhaps a helmet light. The stuff you have to wear is heavy enough, why load yourself down any further? BRT stands for Big Red Toolbox remember.
Let me put it this way.....WAIT...at least until after the academy...you will find that although it is great to have all the "toys" that they also have an innate ability to hang up on every damn thing....so wait until you are out of the academy....One word of caution....I saw that Joey rec a carabiner rated for 300 lbs....that's like tits on a boar hog (sorry but true)...if you go with a carabiner it should be life rated, lockable and rated for 6000-10000 lbs...I have been trained in tech rescue and high angle rescue...we use 10 times the expected load as a safety factor...you can still get one for about $ 20.00 so it won't break the bank and some day you may need the extra capacity....don't scrimp on something either yours or someone elses life might depend on....Stay safe and always remember to keep the fait.....and also....welcome to the family little Brother.........Paul
I see that this has been said already, but wait until you're out of the academy and have at least met the basic requirements of training to become a firefighter, then get what you think you might need for the jobs that you'll be doing. (ie.- you don't need a window punch if you're not trained in vehicle extrication...) Welcome to the club, pay attention to your instructors, be careful and stay safe!
I am quite surprised that not a single person said hose strap. That is an essential tool in the pocket. It has way more uses than strapping your arse to a hose. You will soon learn some of these in your academy. I carry two 6' straps, one each thigh pocket. I also carry alot of the other crap that has been mentioned. Come on guys have we all been so far in the job that we forget some of the essentials? Be safe and learn something new today.
i'd go whalen for your lights that is just with the luck ive had with them ... a few wedges , i went out and bought a spider co knife and another thing that i carry is a shovel knife and for all nighters i always make sure that i have a red bull on me
actually, for a light bar, I found an all LED 48 inch light bar with a directional stick, alley lights and takedowns for $699. Compared to a whalen or streethawk, its way cheaper. The lightbar is made by www.whackerusa.com, and the lightbar is called the verve. as far as other stuff, i carry a multi-tool, rescue rope, a utility knife, I have 2 glove holders(one with fire gloves and one with extrication gloges) and just unclip the one i dont need and leave it in the truck, and a window punch. www.galls.com is a good site, but www.fireauthority.com is a better site put out by the same people as galls. Also, I have found www.thefirestore.com to be a rather good site to visit too. Once you get out of the academy, it will all be personal preferene to you, so try as many things out as you can, i.e. use other peoples stuff durring training to help you make the decision.
First and foremost welcome to the best job in the world, theres nothing like it. I have to agree with just about everything that has been said. Wait man. wait til you are out of the academy and see what type of jobs you'll be doing as a probie. Don't overload yourself with all the toys. Stick with the basics, Extrication gloves, Life rope + carabiner. Then once you've been on the job and seen some different things get your tools as necessary. If you run more PI'S than fire get a multi purpose tool, if you run more medicals than anything (Which my department does) get yourself a medical kit for your pov. Dont worry about lights just yet I know with our department all of our rookies have to wait a year from graduation of the academy to even consider putting lights on their pov's however it is all department specific and up to your chief. With all that being said good luck to yourself and your other cadets and stay safe. Once again welcome to the brotherhood.

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