ok its easy ad a number and ur anwser and repost lest see how it goes, question is what is ur greatest fear?

1) little jon ( being alone when i die)

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2. being in the thick of the heat and smoke and having a hose line go limp.
3. Not being able to find the trapped victum.
5.i would hve to say it would be drowning
6.Being 5seconds to late on a entrapment call.
6. It most definately would be losing my child! No parent should have give their child to the angels above!
Letting down my mates,
Leaving my children to grow up without their Daddy & my wife having to raise them alone.
I thought you truckies were superheros with a pike pole and a water can? False advertisement? I will transfer it from engine speak to truck speak. A water can with no air pressure. haha! Be well and stay safe out there :)
8. The reason I still train hard after 20 yrs not being good enough to save one of us.
9. my biggest fear would be having to answer a call to a mayday and knowing that one of our own is either trapped or not in good shape and not being able to get to them
Many of mine have already been mentioned. Another one: Making/not making a decision that costs a FF's life.
10. Something happening to me and my children will not remember me becuase they are too young.

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