I was talking to one of our Probies the other day, and he asked me about Pompier Ladders. I told him that in 14 years, I've never seen one except in pictures. In fact, I'm certain that no F.D. in the Chicagoland area owns one of these! Are there any Fire Departments out there that actually use Pompier Ladders? Thanks in advance!

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I and I'm sure many others here would love the see the video. By all means post it.
Oldman, I just joined this... I dont know how yet to upload video in here.. What I will do this morning is assemble the footage and figure out how to post it. As I said, We just returned from Euro and I havent even posted it on our website www.IFRM2007.com yet.. any advise could help
OK Oldman its uploaded but I dont know how you see it... its in my profile...
We have, but no longer use a pompier.... It is in storage waiting for a nice coat of varnish and be put on display.

We also have the 40' version of the Bangor on the Truck. It sees use.
See this is what I am talking about it is a great ladder to have in your arsenal it can be used in areas of a building with limited access to other ladders. But some would have you believe it is unsafe actually what we use ladders for makes most of them unsafe.
Tony P for some reason I can't post on the one I want so here goes I was raised in the fire service that you were a fireman didn't matter if you were male or female if that is the case maybe we should call it "Personkind" instead of "mankind" Firefighter is a word to describe what we do not who we are! It was thrown in the mix in the late 70's early 80's twhen women joined the service so not too offend... Well I am an equal opportunity offender if your not a fireman then your not...no if's no and's no but's! you sound like someone who would work well in or department we have old traditions but as is the norm we attempt to move forward with that which makes sense. Not what makes the next Alan Bruncini look good (we are being run by a Bruncini wannabe too), even the new chief of his old department threw out alot of his BS when he left and that was the best friend of his son.
Besides the obvious in our district, the Truck is first due in the other half of town. We both have part of the typical "New England mill town" with the associated old buildings, exposure problems, narrow alleyways, and wires along one side of the streets. These conditions have their own unique problems when trying to use the aerial device, and we frequently throw the longer ladders in the arsenal. We actually carried a 40' Bangor on an Engine long before we acquired the Truck. In fact, the first out Engine carries a 35' three section, a 16' Roof and a 24' two section under the hose bed.
Great video thanks. I had never seen one used before.
Great video thanks. I had never seen one used before.
Our department doesnt have one, but if we did you wouldnt cach me on it.
and pray tell why may I ask?
I can relate to your use of the word 'fireman' being used in a non gender specific way. Some people here in my State have tried using 'fireperson' and I will not accept that! With words like 'fireman', it often comes down to the pronunciation. In British and Australian type English, such a word can often be said as though it's spelling were 'firemn', no 'a'. We have a rank in our Navy, the most junior officer rank, 'Midshipman' - forget the second last letter when saying the word. My daughter-in-law is proud to have been a 'Midshipman".

I've frequently been slated as anti-tradition on forums, because I've dared to speak out with an opinion that goes against someone elses 'traditions'. I like tradition, but think it has two places. On the fireground if it hasn't been properly bypassed by true progress, and in the Staion where it should never be forgotten. Therefore my brass helmet comment. I dislike the official 'icon' of my service, a bland modern thing that now appears on our PPE, our vehicles, our letterhead - everywhere. But our hat badge is something else - to me it shows the source of our pride in being. It shows the Fire Service Star, with our own department seal in the middle. Tradition where it does no harm should be maintained!

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