Please, lets comment about different types of whackers in your department. We all have them, now lets see who is the best whacker. Please leave EMS our of it. This is aferall firefighternation, not paragod university.

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No man, but i am saying that if you happen to see a small honda civic thats worth 300 bucks with a full size light bar on the roof that costs more than car and was built in 1970's.... chances are they dont live on hollister ave. ?...and really if you drive that car, you are kinda funny!
no no no you got it wrong.. its the ones that have two tooo many lights, and more radios and shit that they need. Ive got a full size blue light bar on the my not any more special than anyone else.... but the bar fits the truck, and I dont use it all the time, and I dont have 4 radios on the dash, and two more on my hip!... You need to read this whole forum!

LOL at your definition.

Don't Whackers also usually live in a basement bedroom at Mom and Dad's house? TCSS
ah ok.and it looks kinda funny on a little S10 pickup with a full lightbar
1st off what the f**ck is a whacker.....I see them along the road when construction guy's are running them and they are called tapper's and they are made by Whacker! Here in the great wonderful commonwealth of virginia we call individuals the are ate up with fire or EMS.....Yes I put EMS in there....We call those individuals "Squirrels". Cause they squirrel every damn call they can get to.....And then there are the "Ticks". That is for the ones that run around the back country roads going to a call with no one on the road with the red light going "tick tick tick tick tick tick.....So I think that kind of narrows it down a bit....Please feel free to comment
Think it's funny that people get pissy when all people have there own opinion and someone steps out alittle and steps on some toes....I just laugh and keep rolling...Not a big deal to me...
You might be a WHACKER if your POV looks like this...

No kidding.... the picture is real. You wanna see what the outside looks like???

Yeah, it would have to look like that, given all the radios on the inside... is that a spotlight on top?
And it's called the porcupine car.
in my region, East-central-piedmont areas of VA we call em' squirrels
We really don't have any in our dept.

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