Please, lets comment about different types of whackers in your department. We all have them, now lets see who is the best whacker. Please leave EMS our of it. This is aferall firefighternation, not paragod university.

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I don't believe anyone is calling you a wacker for being as devoted as you are. My take on wackers is they are the ones who have two or three pagers on their hip and they are always open. They have more lights on their POV than there is on all the trucks at your station combined. I enjoy having fully devoted younger guys around to show and teach what I know. Let people call you a wacker if that is what makes them feel good, as long as you know what you are doing is right then who cares what they think.
Please do yourself a favor along with the officers of your company and watch you times as not to break any child labor laws. In the state of PA you should not run after certain hours depending on your age and schooling which I am sure you are aware of.
Keep up the enthusiasm and hard work and it will pay off in the long run.
I know man its gotta be hard being better than everyone else. I think whackers give a better name to the fire service than you do.
You know everything is working in that car because of the intricate placement of that pepsi cup right?

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