Hey All,
I'm looking for some EMTs from VA. I need some information on VA's reciprocity & advancement process.
I am an EMT-B in MS. & I will be moving back to VA in the near future. What I need to know is if I should take paramedic down here? What is VA's exact process. In MS. the state doesn't recognise EMT-I because the National Registry doesn't recognise new Intermediates. So I can go straight into Paramedic school here. How does it work in VA? Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
Thanx, Stay Frosty,

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I wanted to give you as much information as I can. First Hi!, my name is Karen and I'm an EMT-B in Virginia. I also used to work for the Virginia Office of EMS, so I hope I can give you as many answers as possible.

Unlike MS, we do recognize EMT-I. What will have to happen is you will have to apply for reciprocity in Virginia. How that will work is they will gie you a Virginia Cert for 12 months. iN that time you will have to get the recert hours and also take the state test. Once you have passed that you will be certified as an EMT-B in Virginia for Four Years.

The ALS programs in Virginia are varied. Depending on where you move to, programs may be offered both through volunteer agencies and Community Colleges. Most of the major medical schools also offer the paramedic program (MCV and UVA are the two I know of for sure).

Here are some websites that should provide you with information:

Va. Office of EMS - www.vdh.virginia.gov/oems There phone number is 804-864-7600

Also, if you know othe area that you will be, you can check out the website for the regional council. The regional councils provide oversight to program administration on a regional level. Their website is www.vaems.org.

Good luck and let me know if I can give you any additional info.

Thank you for the info. I'm gonna check those sites out. I was seriously looking at Chesterfield County Fire. My father lives out that way. I guess the only other question I've got is: Does VA require you to be an intermediate before becoming a paramedic?
Thanks for the help, Karen.
Stay Frosty,
Are you looking to go career or volunteer? Chesterfield is a mostly career system they have very few if any vollies and the ones they do have don't get to do alot. They still have a few all vollie houses but I think its only 1 or 2. They do have some vollies on the EMS side of things.

Other places that have more of a volunteer opportunity would be:
Hanover Fire and EMS
Caroline Fire Rescue
NewKent County Fire Rescue
KingWilliam Fire and Rescue

Henrico County has some Volunteer EMS but no fire.

Most of those counties I have listed also have career systems. For more infor on the state of affairs in VA here is a good website. www.vafirenews.com this site will give you some people hiring, training, and other things going on.
Thanks Robert.
Career only for me. That's part of the reason for choosing Chesterfield. I wouldn't want to go back to swinging hammers again! Besides I need the benefits & retirement. That's why I got out of the construction trade. Got a wife & 2 young kids to take care of. I'll check out that website.
Virginia does not require you to test at the I to gain your paramedic. However in the Community College system you are looking at about 4 semesters. After the first two you can test for I and then continue on at P. Alot of people do that so that if they don't pass paramedic they still have intermediate.

Being from the Richmond area overall I can say it is a great place to find work (Chesterfied, Richmond, henrico, etc). Many of the departments hire with or without any certifications as they conduct recruit schools and certify everyone to what they want them to be. I've seen having certs already help and I've seen it hurt.

Good luck
Thanks for the help Karen.
If I thake paramedic down here in MS. I have 3 semesters to do. But Anat.& Phys.I is a prerequisite. Anat.& Phys.II is part of the paramedic course so I guess you could say that it could be considered 4 semesters.
Ok some places that you should look at are:

CIty of Richmond
Henrico County (My employer)
Stafford County
Hanover County
Spotsylvania County
Prince William County
FairFax County
City of Fairfax
City of Colonial Hieghts
City of Petersburg
City of Hampton
City of Virginia Beach
City Of Williamsburg
These are the larger dept. within an hour to 2 hour drive from the Richmond area there are others further out just depends how long you wanna drive or were you wanna live. As simple internet search will take you to there websites. I am also pretty knowledgable about all of these places. I have worked ina few and know someone who works or has worked in them all. So if ya have any questions feel free to ask.

Olus there are multiple Military Bases that offer civilian firefighter/EMT employment. (Quantico,Langley, AP Hill, Ft Lee, Ft Belvior) just to name a few. They offer great money but the schedual leaves a little to be desired. Check out www.usajobs.com
Once again, I appreciate the information, Robert.
I grew up in Yorktown, VA. so I know the penninsula/tidewater areas well. I don't know that I want to move back there with the cost of living being as high as it is there. My mother & brothers still live there but they always seem to be broke. I was thinking Chesterfield because it's still not too far away from rural areas where the cost of living is still somewhat managable.
Thanks Again
I absolutley understand. Just don't limit yourself with one dept. While the market is good here and people seem to be always hiring. It is also extremly competive. When I got hired on with Henrico 1000 took the written and by the end of the process they only hired 70 so those odds arent great. Same thing when my brother got hired on with Richmond.

So I guess what I am saying is don't put all your eggs in one basket. Also just an FYI Chesterfield is not hiring right now. So you might want to look into some other FD's for the time being and then go to CHesterfield if thats your ultimate goal. Just trying to help you not swing that hammer again LOL
hello, what part of VA are you moving to? I am an emt-i in all aspects except completing the written test ( i will be doing that as soon as im on less vicodin) up in fairfax county, virginia (volunteer)
Hi Marie,
I'd like to move to somewhere just outside Chesterfield County. My father lives in Amelia County, which is not a bad place to live. He & my step mom raised her 2 kids there but, I've never spent more than a week or so there. Seems like a nice place. My mom still lives where I grew up in Yorktown but that area is an expensive to live.

I think I've decided to go to paramedic school here in MS. before I leave. The fire department will pay for it so why not take it while I can for free. I'll have to see what my options are like after paramedic school. My options are still wide open though. I would like to live near my family though. Fairfax is up near D.C. isn't it? Don't care for D.C. area too much. Nice to visit, wouldn't wanna live there. Vicodin huh?
yes, fairfax county is right next to dc..... its not too terrible, a lot of the counties right next to us are much more rural (culpeper, orange, parts of louden and prince william) If your looking for decent pay as a medic FF, then the Northern Virginia area is the way to go

i hurt myself (not line of duty or anythin like that), so i'll be on vicodin for a bit and it makes me too loopy to test


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