What do you think about the
new president?

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Mabay your right
Yea your right about that
Hey Bulldozer, what's your opinion? I'm curious about his foreign policy? I'm from the Philippines. Those U.S. troops going for joint-exercises are a big help, kindaof scaring off our neighboring country haven of terrorist (Jimah-Islamiyah, Al-Quiada) away. Is he going to pull the plug too? :)
I'm waiting on a reply. Something other than 'points building'.
I would have liked to have used bigger words ,but I'm not for sure web master would like them... What can I say the thought was not a good one about what mess we are in......
tooo funny capt........
When Jenny goes to blow her nose... then she'll know.
i never heard of him before the election and he doesn't have enough experiance! i'm worried that the country's in deep $hit!

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