Is this just here in MO? Just wondering. Thanks

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Christ and I thought it was more like a "Misery loves company" thing.
What was I thinkin'?
My wife is a book keeper for the school district.
And yet, she digs me and I dig her. We have for 31 years.
I am not so sure it is because he is a FF that I date the guy I date, I fell for him, not for what he does but who he is.. It does help that he understands the 24/48 shift work, and has been a first responder for a long time, now an EMT. He doesn't work the shifts I work. He does work part-time EMS with Sumter Co. now. He is just someone that was easy to talk to and swept me off my feet.... A Paramedic and a FF/EMT I never would have thought.....
i think it cause they can cope with the duty of the jobs and if one person has a bad day the other can comfort and ease the pain of the others person problem and together they can work out the stress of the job to where a normal non firefighter or non ems worker wouldn't understand anything if they would tell them ...i married a great person but she doesn't understand why i get holdover at work due to a late call or go to a fire call and she gets pissed off cause i left the house but i did this before i married her and she need to get used to it ..
no twin brother,,,,,,
from my position, most guys arent used to a female being a firefighter. so i guess maybe im just being lazy by going for whats easy and dating in the service, but ive dated guys before who completely didnt understand the whole chick fighting fires thing. plus its love so theres no stoping us now!
I work with a married couple. His wife works on my shift and her husband works on another. they get along fine and she get along with all of us. we work great together. she is a great firefighter.
me personally, I think having a women in the medical service or fire service is a good thing. I promise you some of them can teach us a few things. I can relate to them better in a relationship because they do understand what we go through because they go through it as well. Well done ladies! I dont consider you "Badge Bunnies" or "Badge Ho's" I consider you equal! LMAO.....I think I just considered my self a suck-up!!!!
im a female ff and was and emt first i date a ff he found me on the fire works out we train together we make a good team...we are always training you all know how it goes when i get home and the pager goes off i do not get dirty looks we never leave mad that was a promise....we tell each other i love you and go we under stand as for some of the other men i work with there wifes or girls are pissed off at them...mine he will never have to deal with that cause ill be there on the nozzle with him we met that way right and when it is not one of them good days i need to talk he will know where im comeing married to my dept why not bring my baby into the cirlce to.....
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because were sexy!!!
Leave it to me to notice that, nowhere in her abbreviated topic does she mention dating "MEN" firefighters.
Sorry if this crushes your ego, but visualize the alternative.
Yeah; BABY!
cue the mud pit and hoses.....

Girls gone wild?


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