Training Curriculum - How to start training a young member...

I need a little imput. First of all I started in the service young and was trained by a Senior member of the department. Now that I have been in the service for several years it is my turn to train the younger members.

I would like to get some suggestions on were to start on a very green member. He is currently in a 40 hour basic fire course and will be taking Fire 1 & 2 when classes start in early '09. Can anyone assist me in where to begin so he can start becoming knowledgable prior to taking 1 & 2. Don't want to get to agressive, but would like to start the fundementals so he knows when to stay out of trouble.

I want to instill some skills that will be long lasting and to retain as a valuable asset to our community.

Thanks in advance for all input.

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Start with the basics, and make sure you teach them correctly. Get out an Essentials book, and go over airpacks on your own, and then take him out and show him the parts of an airpack, have him demonstrate the different ways of donning the airpack, and show him how to use it.
Once he masters a chapter, move on to the next. In this way you are making sure that you are teaching the current requirements, and are using the same material that he will need to know for his tests.
We will be once he starts the course and is issued his training material. We have started air packs, but due to his limited knowledge of fire suppression he will not be interior ready for some time. I do have an older IFSTA manual from my days of FFI&II. I could dig that out and work chapter to chapter as you suggest. Thanks
In the meantime have him know his gear in and out, and his airpack. Then try basic ladder carries and throws. If as you say he is not going to be interior for awhile have him practice the things that he will be allowed outside. Some basic knots will help as well. For FF2 he will need to know the family of eights, a bowline, sq knot, a water knot, clove hitch and half hitch. He will also have to demonstrate how to use rope to lift various objects such as an extinguisher etc. Some other basics he will go over near the beginning of class are his hose rolls and hose loads. He will need to know all the basic hose tools, and how to catch a hydrant whether you are in a hydranted area or not.
If your department doesn't have an Essentials book, they are a great investment as they are the books used by the majority if not all IFSAC fire one and fire two classes.
Get the Essentials out and go chapter by chapter,When you have a drill night have them practice layouts,pulling and advancing a line, Knowing the SCBA like Sarah said, make mazes with a hoseline to follow and build there confidence.Working with the ladders, how to throw them,clean them ,parts of etc. On the knots tell them to go to the local hardware store and buy a 5' section of rope to practice the basic knots. At work and the volly house we used to turn the bunkroom into one hell of a maze. We would run a couple of 1 1/2 hose lines and lay it out so it looked like it was going to a fire. Blacken the facepiece and tell them this is what your going to see( NOTHING) We had a few at the volly house that did very well when it came to taking the test for FF1 & 2. Just because we went over thing that made them understand it more. Hope this helps and Good luck!!
have him start practicing donning and removal of his bunker gear and some SCBA to get him comfortable with that and then start putting a time limit on this exercise. that will give him something to start with and help him in the long run
Read the "Essentials" Book and like our rookie class does practise with donning the gear. They will call out "Scramble" and we have 90 Seconds to get into full gear and that includes SCBA. Going thru routines like that will get them to a point where they find out what works for them on getting geared up.
I like this idea, do you usually put a time limit on them? Or do you just time how long it takes them to do it?
Thanks we do the same 60 second drills, but I think I am going to try the one you just explained to me. We basically have two groups one group needs alot of basic review, and one group is ifsac firefighter 2, do you have any ideas on how to approach this situation, without everyone complaining? I'm not asking too much from them , at least I dont think so , do you?

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