WELL WELL WELL our little redneck fire deparment is on-lin who would-a thunk it, we need to get more of our members to get on ff nation and get in this gorup! Cunningham is on the rise!!!!!!!!


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I gave Wade a shout to let him know the 411 about this, so he will more than likely be here sometime. We just need some more of the meatballs to jion up to firefighter nation. They all got myspace but I stay here more often. myspace has too much match makin porn, and virus infections, if I would have got as many trojans when I was younger as I do on myspace I would not have as many kids as I do now. haha( ILOVE MY KIDS EVERYONE OF THEM most tha time.)haha. But any way good job MATT. see yall later flavor.........
Thanks...this is also a good way to pass on info abut training, upcoming events, etc.

Cunningham IS on the rise! This will be a good discussion and information forum.
Wade you are exactly right....now we just got to get everybody else hooked up with this.
Hey, speakin of training info, Butch said he was going to be giving a drivers class on thursday @ 7. I didn't ask him but I wonder if I can take that even though I dont think I am out of my proby status?? I guess it would'nt hurt to take it but could not drive till then. Nevermind I think I just answered my own question. See I can carry on a discussion by my self,,,,,, well shure you can, aint no reason to wait for a responce,,,,,, well thank you for that I will keep that in mind next time I have no one to talk to, by the way whats your name?,,,,,,, JT,,,,,,,, Me TOO! what a quincidence..............I could do this all day.haha. Hope yall have a good one.....
Hey JT even though you might not be able to drive yet would still be a good idea for you to learn about the truck and how to ge H20 to the hoses, and how to drive it anyways. Never know what might happen on scene and you have to do something you are not used to. Even though I am no an engineer with the city still know how to drive the engine, for the same reason.
Yea, your right. I finally said enough about hose traning in front of Ben Workman, that he took time out of his schedule to go over proper operation and proceedure of 1612. So, I feel comfortable with charging lines with that truck. I go out there sometimes and just simulate charging the line without the truck not running to make sure no mistakes. I was able to go help with one 27 if thats what you want to call it, it was a delapotated old shed, so Shawn made me work the upper speedlay with 100psi to get the feel, of course I am getting great at cleaning up the hoses, rolling and storing, ( being the grunt), but afterwards Louie took me and we did draft straight from 1611, and then refilled 1611 form Buds Creek hydrant. So, slowly but surely I am being taught. I just dont want to get no one hurt, and quite frankly I want to stride for the best. Keeps me fellin young, but without being too eager to put the cart before the horse, ya know. I LOVE THIS STUFF< BRING IT ON. see ya bro, let me know when you go to station and come visit. JT
Hey JT that is great I am glad to see you take the inititave to learn all you can. I am proud of ya and glad you are on the dept. Now when ru going to join us at CFR?
Matt, Trust me bro I would donate one of my testicles to get on. I dont know either enough people or enough high ranking people. I swear I would be ready to go if I could get on. If you know something I dont, I would try it with full attention and effort. You have NO idea how bad I want to be CFD. But mabe before I am 50 I will be excepted. I have put in an aplication, with references of Butch, Ben Workman, and you. Thats all the space they gave me. but, maybe it will be enough. I am kind of nervous about it but, I may be able to use my Dad with Johnny Piper to get in, but everyone I have asked says that CFD HATES Piper so I dont know if that is good. I dont want to burn up a favor card if it makes it harder on me. I wont give up, Till they tell me to stop. See ya
Just keep on trying it took me 4 tries....Brandon Got in on his 1st try. When they do call you back Brandon and I have this study guide that might help you with the test. You should be alright on the physical test, but it also might not be a bad idea to work out a little every now and then. We can also help you with the interview stuff when you do make it that far. And I do understand how much you want to get on, this time last year I was in your shoes, except I was on the TOP 10 list and had to test again anyways, but I couldn't ask for a better job now. Just remember we are all here for you, just let me know what you need.

ps great job on the fire this morning.
thanks bro I know I can count on you two. Apreciate you letting me use the study guide and for that matter all the help you and your brother has gave me. Here of there I got yalls back, just call me, I'll be there.
I just want to say that everyone did all they could this morning, but in this business you half to take the good with the bad. The best way to get over something is to get back on the truck and keep rollin'. Everybody just keep up the hard work.


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