ST. Louis FireFighter Shot and Killed Trying to help at a Car Wreck.

A ST. Louis Firefighter was shot and killed tonight . The Firefighter stopped to help what he thought was a car wreck. Little did he know it was a robbery suspect who just robbed a store and wrecked a car he stole. The robber then shot the ST. Louis Firefighter in the chest and stole his Fire Dept. Vehicle. The suspect then crashed and got into a shootout with police officers. The ST. Louis Firefighter was taken to a nearby Hospital where he later died of his injuries. The suspect was also killed by police. Let us take time to pray for his family and friends. Let him rest in peace.

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R.I.P. What a tragedy. My condolences to the victim and his fellow Rescuers and family.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the family as well as all the others. We as firemen and women need to stick together because we are brothers and sisters even though we dont always act like it. Sorry for your loss and may god be with yall
What a terrible lose to his family, the St. Louis FD and fire service, sounds like he was a good guy just doing what he thought was best to assist someone in trouble.

Captain R. McCoy
New orleans Fire Dept.
IAFF Local 632
why do things like this happen to great people? Very sad and my prayers go out to the family and fire department of our loss brother.
Keepin his family and friends in prayer, as well as the entire Fire and Rescue family throughout the world. We have lost another brother to individuals who slip through the cracks of our legal system. Yet, we still do our jobs no matter who is involved. May God have mercy on the soul of the individual who killed him. Keepin everyone in thought and prayer daily..... take care and stay safe
My thoughts and prayers go out to the family and the St. Louis Fire Department. That just really sucks and that is also why most people will not stop and try to help. This is really sad and unfortunate. It really scares me to think that there are people out there that will hurt somebody who is just trying to help.
"None go more honorably than those that give themselves to help their fellow man"
God blesses!
My prayers to the family of this brave man. May the Lord lift them up in courage and strength in this horribly trying time.
The Strang Fire department. Strang, Ok
our prayers are with his family and the st louis fire dept.
love and prayers to the family and to everyone who fights the good fight
my thoughts and prayers aer with him and his family
how horrible ,Best Regards To The Family and freinds who have to go through such a very hard time you will always be remembered ,from your brothers at Camden County Fire Rescue

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