Should POVs with only blue lights have to follow all traffic laws.

In my opinion they should be allowed to run red lights if all traffic at the intersection has stopped.
What do you guys think?

Tim K.

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In PA, Chief Officers run reds and sirens, volunteer ff's "can" run blues "IF" their department permits them. A growing number of departments only allow ff's to run blues only after their probie period is complete AND they have completed "essentials" (preferably FF 1). In PA they FF's may be permitted to run blues; but, they can not utilize sirens, concealed grille lights or corner strobes (turn signal/brake light type)...

And, in PA NO emergency responder (PD, FD, Ambl) can blow through a traffic control device when a stop signal is indicated; but, apparatus such as pumpers and trucks can proceed through traffic control devices after slowing prior to entering the intersection, and ONLY after verifying all other traffic has yielded/stopped. If the apparatus is involved in a "TC" and the FD's driver did not "yield" the right of way, to the traffic that does have the "green light", the FD's driver IS at fault, period...

The only reason fire apparatus is permitted to proceed through an intersection, without coming to a complete stop, is due to the horsepower limitations of older engines, and of course, it is pulling so much weight; the Lawmakers took this into consideration and realized the time delay that coming to a complete stop created so they through in the word "yield" for such apparatus...

All in all, I agree, with most of the comments ;-) And, I do have a "blue light" in my vehicle; but, I only run it when I responding in from a great distance AND I turn it OFF at traffic lights when I have the "stop light". Look at it this way, you pull up to a "stop light" and you're running your blue's, all traffic yields to you and you just sit there until the light turns green anyway. What's the point??? You just made more of a mess AND you look like an idiot toooooooo...........

Sorry, just my one cent...

take care and stay safe,
You have to abide by the traffic laws of your state and you need to drive with due regard. The fire service is getting more and more pictures on the papers and on the web of POV's and apparatus that has crashed and either killed the firefighters on board or killed the civilian(s) that are in the vehicle that got hit. Pay attention to driving safely and at the speed limit so that you don't hurt or kill anybody. That could be yourself or your fellow firefighters as well as the public. We need to be more responsible and if having a blue light is going to make fire fighters drive like idiots then we shouldn't be allowed to have them at all, or be punished for driving like idiots. It is time for us to stop killing ourselves and others because we have to drive fast. It is time to grow up and be mature and responsible...
I'm surprised that you would be interested in this. Not a good sign buddy. You need to focus on learning how to become a firefighter before even starting to think about accessorizing your vehicle. What you don't want is to get a reputation for being a red hot wanna be with lights on the car... Be the quiet, more subdued kind of young firefighter candidate who has his mouth shut and eyes wide open. You've got a long time before you put yourself into a position of driving to an emergency scene. My personal opinion is that whenever possible, only emergency vehicles should have emergency lights. Anything else creates more of a hazard. Having a bunch of civilian vehicles racing to a call does not create a very good image of the fire service and has proven fatal. Don't become a statistic. TCSS, Mike
In Texas a POV with flashing lights driven to a scene by a VFD FF = "an authorized emergency vehicle". TX Trans. Code 541.201. Ya'll drive careful ya hear. TCSS
lol i laugh my @$$ off when i read ur comment BillySFCVFD
Never, It Would Then Take Your Mind Off Whether Someone In A Private Vehicle Is Going To Come On Thru The Light Anyhow If They Have The Green. Some Folks Out There Are Very Courteous When It Comes To Emergency Vehicles. But Then, It Only Takes The Impatient Few To Cause The Accident. I Was An Engineer On My Dept. And I'll Tell You Now, I Never Ran A Stop Sign Or Red Light. I Preached That To All New Appartus Operators Who Were Coming Up. You Are Not Going To Get Any Where Any Quicker By Doing So. You Have To Follow The Rules & Regulations The Same As If You Were Driving To The Store. Learn Not To Wreck. And If You Were To Be An Appartus Operator, You Have The Lives Of Your Fellow Brothers In Your Hands.

I'm just learning to speak and write Texan, ya reckon. Only been here a year. God Bless Texas. TCSS
Yes, in are state you must obey all the taffic laws and speed.
search the vanessa K. free act. also look up the statistics of POV crashes and deaths in the fire service.
as my chief told someone on our department who was whining about not being able to run lights and siren " Firefighting has nothing to do with red lights, maybe one day you will learn that" .be safe
I agree with Dan, I think the lights confuse people and it doesn't get you anywhere faster. I think blue lights should only be used if a POV has to go to the scene of a call, then utilized for safety.
A few posters on this thread have mentioned FF's dying or being injured n the way to the job or to the truck. That's bad, but doesn't worry me as much as the poor,innocent civilians that get killed because a FF is running on adrenaline.

The fact that you, at your age, are concerned about this worries me. Firefighting is not about running red lights. Firefighting is about getting to where we're needed, safely, and doing what's needed. Running lights and sirens is dangerous, to us and to the public around us. The fewer vehicles that do it the better.

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