I'm looking for any useful information in pursing the field of Fire/Arson Investigator.
------certification requirements
------job availability

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I don't know how much time you have to put to the training or if your looking for a whole college degree, but I am a student @ Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond, Kentucky pursuing a degree in Fire and Safety Engineering Technology, but my focus is on Fire, Arson, and Explosion Investigations. It's a 4 year program consisting of many classes on fire and explosion investigations. The classes are great and the professors recognized across the United States and some internationally (my one professor is going across seas to teach a course soon) as experts in their fields.

If you have the chance and the will to get a 4 year degree I suggest you check it out http://www.fireandsafety.eku.edu/ Any questions feel free to message me I'll answer them to the best of my ability or I'll point you towards someone who can answer them
Thanks for the reply, I really don't have the time to go to school full time but I am willing to do whatever I can in my "spare time" to accomplish this goal. Any info that you have on hand, as far as getting started in this field, would be great!!! Thanks, SMC
Check with your state fire marshall's office, they can give you the infor for the state you live in.
I don't know if you are looking for a position as an assistant investigator, or an independent or consultant type of position.

Here in New York a fire investigator has to take several state-sponsored classes just to get a foot in the door. Fire behavior, fire cause determination, evidence collection, and interview techniques are just some of the topics. Firefighting experience is a must, too.

To get to the independent level, one must work under the supervision of an experienced person and do several investigations before being turned loose.

I am very interested in fire investigation as well, and sometimes I think I'd like to get into it. But, I look at what is required and say, "maybe not this year." Someday, perhaps.

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