WELL ITS ALL BUT OVER. Am i the only one worried about the outcome of the election just curious

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No worries here. On my job we don't pay into social security due to our pension plan. McCain wanted to put everyone under SS. This would have cost me 3.5% per year plus the city woulf have to match it. in addition, McCain wanted to make private government pensions available to make up for budegtary shortfall. This is why SS is in the problem its in. I don't want my pension done before I get to use it.

I saw a post earlier about small business owners. I know many of them and while they do well, it actually is rare that a small business profits over $250,000.

I think we'll be fine!
Yeah Joe, we are going to have to give him a chance. Alot of Obamas ideas I dont agree with but I didnt like some of McCains either. I think one thing Obama will do is get alot of younger people who have no interest in politics interested. A couple of things I like about Obama is that a half black man getting elected for president shows the dwindilling numbers of idiotic racsist. He can also give hope to alot of younger people.
America wanted change and there fixing to get it for the worst or the better. Worried would be an under statment.
I'm very worried about it. His wife is wanting to change our flag!!! What is up with that?!?!? So many things don't add up with him. His "friends", birth certificate, how he got to where he is now. I'm very worried about what the next 4 yrs will bring.
Dark days ahead with the Democrats in office....................hold on to your wallets everyone!!!!!!!
who gives a rats ass? More lies will compound the lies we have heard throughout the campaign. I'm just glad Senator Biden is assured that "Barack Obama will bring a 3 letter word to America. That 3 letter word is JOBS"

Rocket Science!
J-1 O-2 B-3 S-4 huh.....
EXACTLY!!!!! Try to find the speech on youtube
Ok I am just an ordinary country boy, who comes from a long line of political family members. Sad thing is tryed to stay out of it and make up my own mind about our Elected officials. I always called my Father nuts when he talked about conspirosy theorys, and coruption. All I can say to this is, I too do not trust the President Elect. or the other 11 members of the House and Congress that I disslike as well. We also have lost a large no of respected old school Dems and Rep's as well. So beleive what you wish, OUR Country has been introuble for MANY YEARS not just 8. We have fallen away from our basic principls of democricy, and what shaped this country, and for what so many have died or sacraficed so much to protect. I give this for the ones that are sceptics or fenatics, look up Illumanati, Skull and Bones, or just search Secret Societys. I ask this before we all start pointing fingers and passen judgement. He is now our President Elect, and even if we dont agree or like, we still need to have some respect.

Actually, the "clear mandate" that you describe isn't really all that clear. Obama won 52% of the popular vote, McCain 46%, at last count. That means that almost half the voting public voted AGAINST Sen. Obama. The electoral vote wasn't close, but that's because most of the states have "winner-take-all" electoral vote awards.


If other countries citizens get a vote in U.S. national elections, it would be under the following conditions:

1) We get all of your beer at no cost
2) We each get a pet kanagaroo at no cost
3) We get to move the Sydney Opera house to the U.S. port city of our choice - I'm thinking it would look much better than the LP gas storage facility in Savannah.
4) We get our choice of your hottest celebs...I'm starting with Nicole Kidman
5) Did we mention that we get the beer?

Fair is fair :-)
When you said "WE ARE AMERICANS. WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH WE STICK TOGETHER!", were you talking about how the Democrats supported George W. Bush so strongly for the past 6 years?

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