our department has recently purchased some viking isi air packs. we have expierenced some problems. has any one else had any trouble with these?? please chime in and let me know.

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What kind of problems? Our department switched to the Vikings about 9 years ago when they first came out. We were guinea pigs, and have been through alot of growing pains and upgrades.

Stay safe,
mr drake. thanks for your intrest. we have had a couple of issues. batteries draining too quickly, issues with the sound system "screeching" and "squealing". we have had a service tech to our department two times in a little less than a year. i am u.p.s.ing a pack back to isi today because the electronics are "locked up" and the service tech could'nt repair it. we have had these pack for almost 9 months and we are beginning to worry that we have made a mistake in choosing them. any thoughts? also you have an open invitation to join my friends list. again thanks for the intrest and be safe out there.
Hey Jerry,

As for the batteries, have you been using regular off-the-shelf AA's? Our techs have to order and install a certain battery. The off-the-shelf batteries don't last as long and I believe I was told that they weren't intrinsically safe like the specials. I would start there.

As for the sound system, I would see if it is an internal electronic issue, or if there is possible interference from portable radios. I've heard that PASS and voice devices can create problems with the 800 mHz systems, and perhaps the other way around. Just a thought.

Like I said, it's been 9 years and our packs have completely evolved. I found an original pack we received 9 years ago when we were moving stations, and compared to the current packs, its like night and day.

Let me know what you find out about the packs freezing up. My tech took today off, so I won't see him again until next Saturday. I'll ask him if we've had isues like these.

I took you up on your invite.

Stay safe,
We have ISI also. I don't like them they suck!! We use all types of AA batteries and they go dead quite often. The rubber around the the quick disconnect makes it really hard to hook up your mask to the pack. When you finally hook the mask to the pack you set off the pass device two or three times. No matter how many time you fix the straps on the pack and you go to pull the straps to tighten them up they twist or get hung up and you can't tighten the straps all the way to your shoulders or around your waist. with a new o-ring some packs leak air. If you ever go to our department we have around 10 ISI the are out of service. One will go out of service every one to two months.
point of fact, we have been using off the shelf batteries, now that you mention it. when the sales/training representive came to our department, he told us to do so. according to him the packs were tested with standard off the shelf batteries, and that was what is intrinstically safe. a bit of a disagreement there?? our problems with the sound system have been the result of problems in the internal electronics. according to our technician.
i love the system, don't get me wrong. it is (to me at least) easy to use, and more comfratable than other systems. i like than i can be at the door ready to go inside a structure and breathe free air. when its time to go i am just a second away from being on air. i also like the heads up display.
our concerns are that these packs will have to last us for years and years to come, funding being what it is. we have seen some pretty signifigant issues with these packs and they are still practacally new
Hey Jerry,

As for the batteries, our lead tech at our department told me about this, and he has a fit every time he finds that someone has replaced the batteries with off the shelf.

I'm not sure if I'll see him until next month, since he takes the month of November off for hunting. I'll try to catch up with one of our other techs.

I also found that 9 year old pack and took some pics of it compared to our current packs. I'll either post them or I can e-mail them.

Kelly, I think one of the strap issues is the same as we had. We had to replace all of the shoulder strap buckles because they came loose constantly. They were the same as the waist straps.

As for the air line hook up, you're right, it is a pain in the butt. Fortunately, I only have to hook it up once per shift when I arrive for duty, not enroute to each call.

Stay safe,

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