A blog is basically a journal that is available on the web. The activity of updating a blog is "blogging" and someone who keeps a blog is a "blogger." Blogs are typically updated daily using software that allows people with little or no technical background to update and maintain the blog. ...
So I put it to you, the members, are we seeing blogs written by bloggers or are we seeing messages left on a message board by messengers?
When a "blog" is written without sentence or paragraph breaks, no use of upper or lower case letters, misspellings and text code, is it a blog, an elaborate text message or someone who ditched English class?
Make an effort, people.
If what I am reading is the wave of the future, then our civilization and the English language as we know it is in deep trouble.
I am all for sharing your thoughts, but frame it so that it can be understood with minimal interpretation skills.
I have written about 65 blogs since joining the website. Many here have posted ONE blog/message-never to be heard from again. Blogger, my a**.
No; it doesn't have to be Shakespearian. Some of you know who William Shakespeare was, right?
But please, it's "I"; not "i", "you" and not "u"; "are"; not "r". And if it's not too much trouble, a period, comma or semi-colon would add texture to your "blog".
F.O.G.I.E. and proud of it.

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Overuse of emoticons and broken sentences.
All the while ignoring punctuation.
Annoying those of us who value our education.
I need more sleep.

Hey, you like it?
A blog (a contraction of the term "Web log") is a Web site, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. "Blog" can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.

Thank You Yoda! Seriously, I have stood up for the typos & messy grammar on messages because they are exactly that "messages", like an instant message or a text. When someone's IQ was attacked, I felt it was unwarranted because it is an informal writing. Let’s face it; a message is a message, text, IM or reply. It is a blurb about an idea or a return of thoughts. Some of us are very passionate people and often want to reply immediately, not paying attention to cap locks or misspelled words which does not (always) indicate lack of education. (It sometimes reflects that one relys on spellcheck) Abbreviations are acceptable when you can be sure the person reading the message knows what it means.

A BLOG is a different concept than a message. It is my understanding that a blog is written with the intent that another person will/could read it.
Within a blog an occassional misspelled word doesn't bother me. But I have found blogs that have no punctuation, no use of any semblance of grammar of any kind and are definitely hard to read. Therefore, I don't read them. In presenting an idea or communicating thoughts to a reader by blogging, the ideas should be presented in a manner that is at least readable and can be understood by others. Even "I" can't believe how terrible some of these are ... I can't say written.

Maybe we are "old school" but we communicate with each other fairly well. Perhaps it is that we were taught to write letters & stories in school. I have tried to read some blogs and messages and decided that it was not worth my time or effort.

I realize that on the internet on social networking sites people do post on many topics( some of which are deleted by webchief). Some I have found here lately, in my opinion, would be better suited to MySpace or Facebook than a forum for emergency responders.

Mick, I hope you don't mind, I put yours into the traditional haiku style of 5-7-5

Bloggers, oh so young
ignoring punctuation
It makes my head hurt.
i completely agree with you you are totaly rite good blog
Holy run-on sentence Batman!!!

(F.O.G.I.E. for life. Or is that lYfe)
No sense waving a red flag under the bull's nose...or swiss cheese...or ants.
Feel free to take a look at my blog for ideas,

For me, the casualness of blogging, or writing/responding to a thread, is in writing in a conversational manner. (Something not always appropriate n a business letter or training manual.) It doesn't mean that one should write in code. Texting abbreviations? No, I use English when I send SMS messages.

Lack of punctuation doesn't mean conversational, when we speak we use punctuation! A comma is a short pause which can also be shown in the spoken language by different inflection. A full-stop ('period' to North America) is a longer pause or change in inflection to denote the end of a set of related stements. Question marks? Spoken once again with inflection - we usually go up in 'tone'. Do we see the connection? When speaking we use differing tonal ranges for punctuation. We use short pauses in speech for punctuation. When speaking face-to-face we also use gestures. How can we use gestures for emphasis when writing? Punctuation maybe?

Is my English perfect? No, perfect doesn't exist. I make typos that I fail to pick up on proof reading. I make spelling mistakes. I may even be grammatically incorrect - but I use grammer as a means of emphasis; am I wrong? Not in my book. Even with all my problems, I think my message gets across. I've only once had an adverse comment about my writing. A business letter I wrote once which was directed to the senior (and I mean senior) management of all the financial institutions in the State. My boss thought I'd used language that they may not understand. My reply? If they have trouble with the way I'm writing, perhaps they shouldn't be in those positions. She said to send it out as drafted.

Where am I heading here? Art, I'm with you. I try to read most posts for most threads. Written in all capitals or all lower case, written without punctuation, written with no indication of changes in direction. Any and all of those and I don't bother. I'm here to learn, to enjoy. Not to work on my skill as a cryptographer!
I wish you could see... the look on my face when I try to decifer poorly-ritten blog's.

I wish you could see... the muscles tense on my arms as I fight for self control, and delete the nasty response I have written to some bloggers.

I wish you could see... the veins pop out on my neck when I see another "blog" that really only contains a link to some sensational story.

I wish you could see... me racing for the bathroom when I see a blog titled "I Wish You Could See"...

I wish you could see... the smile on my face reading through this discussion.

Thanks Art, we needed this.
After I wrote that I said, "You know, that isn't quite haiku". Thus, I am appreciative of your efforts (How many people these days can use "thus" in a sentence?).
Tiger springs to mind.....he LOVES that word. You two are twin sons of different mothers.

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