you can post some of your favorite fire fighter or fire related quotes here, mine is

"I am just another fireman because the story focuses on Joaquin Phoenix's character, but I play Joaquin's close friend and I get burned up a little bit, but I don't die.
Morris Chestnut"

if you could supply the author it would be greatly apreciated

EDIT:-10.17.08- non fire fighter quotes are also excepted,
EDIT:11/26/08 dont forget to add me

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i think you might have been looking for this....
Stay an Play or Load an Go
I love this one:

"Competence is louder than words, but if you are incompetent, speak louder!"

Used by a Cheif to describe a very incompetent Captain.
"I (or we) walk where the devil dances"

"bustin' ours n' savin' yours"

"all gave some, some gave all"

Many many more but these are among my favorites...
True story- I was once told by a Paremdic when we arrived in the Rescue to an MVA, that the patient wasn't trapped, we just can't get them out yet.... :-)

That's gone down in my books as one of the all time best statements!!!!
Nobody ever called the fire department because they did something smart
Backdraft "YOU GO WE GO"
That is one of the verses on my tattoo.
Found this on the new pierce calendar.

"The truly great don't put their pants on one leg at a time."
"The lives of many depend on the courage of a few."
Take the time to get all your PPE on, if it's on fire when they call us, it'll be on fire when we get there.
We had a rookie who was working traffic control at a MVA, he radioed us the the highway patrol was on scene.One of the veterans asked him if it was the blue lights that gave it away, to which he replied, no it was the box of donuts on the dash.

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