i'm trying to find out how other depts. feel about their members carring pagers or portable radios. our dept. gives us pagers to carry for our tones to come through on and we have problems with calls not coming through all the time. if we had portables this may not happen. whats your opinion

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are department issues pagers. if you loose it you have to pay for it, but if it quits, they will give you another(If your of your probation). some of the members are volontiers and come from a longer distance so they have radios with them.
At our department we carry alpha pagers and Motorola Minitor 5 for our tones.. we cannot talk back like a radio but we can be toned out on this and replay it if we missed the address or cross street... works great. We are a combo department, 7 fulltime members, 1 pt and 20 paid on call members...
We carry both, but unfortunately not everyone. Our department is on 800mhz and there is not enough radios to go around. We also simulcast, goes over the pager and the radio at the same time, when we get a call. We have the same problem, pagers not working. It hurts sometimes too, we had a structure fire saturday night and only had a few show up. Part of the problem was that they did not get the call. If the opportunity is there, I feel that you should carry both.
Every member receives a pager and charger when he or she joins the department. We have come to rely on pagers almost exclusively over the past 10 years because our home receivers are slowly going kaput.

We have iffy pager coverage in some areas of town so several years ago I put in a repeater station that rebroadcasts the dispatch message locally. This has almost entirely eliminated the paging problems.

What's left are the excuses we've all heard, like "my pager didn't go off" or "I left it at work" or "I left it at home" which should not be regarded as pager problems.
We issue minitor 2 - 5's and a portable radio to every member when they come off probation if a radio is available. Although the portable is for fire ground ops only if you are not an officer.
Randy....We have 6 Motorola CP 200's, and they work great. Not sure why you think thier useless on fireground. I have a motorola HT 750 and the CP's get alot better reception than mine, and my reception is pretty darn good. Our radios have never had a problem picking up pages, our Miniter 4's suck. They never seem to work right, from not picking up pages to the speaker going out on 25 of them. I live in a very remote area with some dead spots for our repeater, but we know where them dead spots are. I can get 20-26 hour use out of my radio before charging, depending on usage. We would like to have radios for everyone, but not everyone wants to carry one.
pagers for all on are dept and portables for officers as are pgers are $800 and the portables are aprox $4000 with programming
Because their bigger and heavier than a pager. Some wont even wear their pager, but thats only a few.
We run with pagers Moto IV's and they are junk....We had better luck with the II's and III's (and are currently looking for something better). Our officers carry Handhelds and I carrey both. I personally hate carrying around the bigger Radio so I carry my Pager and have my radio within arms reach exp... (in the car, on the workbench, on the table,) Usually were I have diffculties with the pager I also have difficulties with recieving transmition w/ my radio as well. So I don't know if handhelds will solve your problems.... Personal experience if your having an issue with pagers it's a repeater isn't close enough, the transmittion isn't strong enough, or like us you thought that Monitor IV's were the latest and greatest and found them to be junk too..... FYI the V's didn't get any better!!!!! Good Luck, and God Bless
Be patient. Good things come to those who wait. I am an advocate for Jr ffs & Explorers but there are reasons you are in training & not on fire scenes. You'll get there. Then sometimes, you will wish you hadn't.
Yeah they lost it with the IIs. The OLD minitors were great!! Kind of big compared to the IIIs, IVs & Vs but we had the same one for over 10 yrs & it never failed. My old Motorola P100 2 way was as heavy as a brick but it had the best signal ever. The Minitor IV I have now is much better than the III. They don't make them like they used to & that isn't just a saying. They aren't made to last because they can't sell as many of them if they stay in service.
Well Brother when I was a Vol we also had pagers. Our pagers were recorded so u can play them back. We were in an area that was surrounded by hills so it was hard to here pages to sometimes. Only the officers had radios. We tried to give all members on the Dept. Port radios but that was a bad thing to do. When a call came in everyone tried to go over air in route. Then when we were on the fire scene to many people were trying to talk at once. So now everyone has pagers and only the officers have radios. This works much better. Even on scene their is always an officers who goes in or around the back so we have good communication.

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