How does your department select its Incident Safety Officers ? I sthere some sort of competitive examination ? Does the Chief just pick somebody ? Does the Department's Health and Safety Officer select them ? or is it left to the incident commander to figure out on scene ?

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I am the SO. If I'm on scene of course I am the ISO. BUT - If I'm not there the IC will appoint someone he thinks knows what that involves. We have tried to encourage everyone to take the Incident Safety Officer class. Of course not every call will warrant a ISO and usually the IC assumes that responsibility. As per Incident Command, if the IC does not appoint a position, he therefore assumes the responsibility of the position himself.
As the Training Officer I am the primary ISO. I work Mon - Fri and have a take home vehicle to respond back on major incidents after hours. In addition all of our Command Staff (Chief, Asst. Chief, Fire Marshall, Training Officer, EMS Coordinator, and Battalion Commanders) are all trained ISO's In addition all Captains have been trained as ISOs since they can move up to the Bat. Com. position as well.

On incidents when I am on duty I am always the safety officer unless I would be first due and assume command. After hours the first arriving command officer after the B/C would assume this role.
Hey Robert, thats a good one. Its hard to have a safety officer ,that person may not show up for every call. and to pick some one at the scene can be hard when you only have a few firefighters, and all hands are needed. We push safety first on our dept. always look out for number one ! always look out for each other. Has a chief thats my number one goaled. when I first got on the dept. my chief was always taking care of me he was great and I still look up to him I try to be like him he safed me so many times and I did not know at that time he was helping me. thats what it takes to grow to be a good firefighter. I watch for anything that could go wrong and keep our people from it. We our a family and we look out for each other. You must have a close team and know each other well. everyone look out for the new members keep them close and teach them the dangers that our at each scene. We grow as a team and we leave as a team.


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