I noticed as i was cleaning up the trash at my station that we drink the heck out of mountain dew. Everyone around here does, we have a store that can barely keep any in stock. I was just wondering if this was more because we are a small town (kinda redneck) or the firestation? Anyone else have an abundance of mountain dew drinkers?

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We used to but the findings on the high B/P, I've seen that we're using more coke than dew now.
I've been a Mt Dew drinker since I had throat surgery back in 1999. Now I'm hooked on Diet dew. We drank alot of Dew at our station too. we would have to fill the Dew slots just about every day. Pepsi was the other one.
tons of dew at my station
We're pretty rough on that stuff as well. A few are switching over to Monster and AMP.
Not sure if it's such a great idea or not. I think alot of the energy drinks taste like
cough medicine. Although the "Java Monster" with the coffee in them are
pretty good. Especially the "Russian" flavor.

Too many people operate on caffeine alone. A cup of coffe in the AM to get rolling
is one thing. A 6 pack of Mt. Dew a day habit is almost as bad as a pack a day
of Marby Reds.
i think that between dew pepsi and monster that those including red bull pretty much dominate out station .
Thats what we stock most of in our pop machine @ the station. I don't know why, I can't stand the stuff. Some drink diet Mt. Dew. But they have finally figured out that if Jen doesn't have her Diet Pepsi she is not a happy camper so they make sure that is in there too. :) We bought a beverage machine so we fill it with what WE want. They stock 2 cases of Dew to every 1 case of anything else.

You are in KY. I thought everybody down there drank Ale8, swampwater as my cousin calls it.
We all mostly drink mt. dew and i have noticed that the neighboring fire dept also does and everybody at my work which is the 911 center for the county also drinks mt. dew. Idk what it is. Not to mention that our Assist. Chief works for pepsi so we have it all the time.
nope our dept. is alot of coffie drinkers. we do have our own pop machine though
I prefer Mt. Dew but our station has a variety of drinks from coffe to sports drinks to coke.
The Only Thing stocked at our station is Poland Spring Water. But there is a 30 case or two of pepsi. Other than coffee/water our guys drink pepsi products for the most part. Its a lil cheaper up here than coke products. I dont know why..hahah
Our main station, out of four, is the only one with fridges and all the trucks have ice coolers. The fridges have some Dew in them along with Dr P. and plenty of bottled water. The truck coolers are mainly water only . Not too many drink soda at the station and on scene H2O is guzzled by all to keep from getting dehydrated. In the general public I do notice a lot of Dew drinkers. Maybe I should buy stock in M. Dew's parent Co.. TCSS
we really don't drink or stock much dew or any other pop. Mostly powerade for us.

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