More curiosity than need. All apparatus here in the county have a 4 digit ID. 1234. 1 being zone, 2 battalion or dept, 3 and 4 type and number. On a day-to day basis though, each zone uses a different type of numbering. Up north, all 4 digits are used. The big city and out east, in numerical sequence. Down south, E1 in the 5th dept. is Engine 51 and so on.

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Where I live, there is a standardized system.

All engines/pumpers are designated numbers 1,2,3,4
Utilities are designated 5 (if a department has more than one it goes 5, 5-1, 5-2)
Ladders/Sticks are designated 6
Rescues are 7
Ambulances are 8
Chief vehicles are 9 (9, 9-1, 9-2, etc).

When responding, the unit will identify themselves as Department Name (Insert Number of Apparatus here).

Our rural county, (Franklin), has four separate VFDs. My VFD is South Franklin County VFD and we number our trucks/cars SF1 thru SF9. Our numbering is based on when we procured that particular vehicle. The numbering doesn't ID the type, unless you are familiar with SFVFD. On mutual aid calls we respond to outside FDs saying South Franklin tanker or brush truck or Crown Vic. Seems to work for us.TCSS
We use 4 numbers on our units. The first 2 are the fire department number, the 3rd is the gpm, and the last is how many engines you may have. Unit 4031 40 is for West Point Fire Department 3 means it's pumps 1000 to 1250 GPM , 1 means it's the first due engine out. We use the number 5 for ladders or sticks. I hope this has not confused you any..... JRW
My county has 17 VFDs listed in alphabetical order by their area location so Aide is Station 100, Burlington - Station 200 & so on through Windsor Twp - Station 1600. The Depts that were 1700 & 1800 folded. (They didn't use 10 or 20) So the newest station is 2100.
We are Rome - Our station number is 1300. Each truck has its own number more or less in the order we aquired them. So we have Engine 13-1, Engine 13-2, Tanker 13-3, Tanker 13-4, Rescue 13-6, the new one will be 13-7 & Brush 13-8. We used to call them pumpers now they are engines.

We use 4 digit numbers as personnel unit numbers as Chief is 13-01, Assistant Chief 13-02 smaller numbers signify officers, FF numbers run through 40. The jr numbers are 50s & the associate numbers are in the 60s. (works great until we get more than 10 jrs or associates) The station next to us is 1200 & the one beyond that is 300.

We know if 12-01 marks up the Chief of their department is talking. If you are driving a truck you identify youself on the radio as the truck # - "Engine 13-2 is enroute". My Chief might say "Engine 13-2 is on scene @ (give the address) 13-01 is establishing command." The Dispatcher will often give the commander a name such as "Applewood Command" if it is in Applewood subdivision or "RT 7" Command on the highway or just call them 1300 Command.
Wow some complicated number systems ours is simple, type of truck and whatever number is up next. Trucks are squads (anything grass/brush related) engines, tankers, boat, tower (elavated stream only) rescue. All members also have an assigned number that begins with k unless you're an officer then they use either chief or officer and their number. We are dispatched by our nearest paid dept (Sand Springs) this system helps them know what trucks and members are responding.
Jenny does your county have a central dispatch and is that why the depts are numbered that way?
We have one comm. center managing about 10-15 departments. Fire/Ems or just fire and ems. All our apparatus are marked with E=engine T=tower R=rescue RH=rehab RB=rescue boat M=medic B=Booster TA=tanker and then number of station we are at.
In my county the way we number apparatus is quite simple. The first digit is always the station designation. Followed by the following:

01-09 - signifies engine companies
10-19 - signifies truck companies
20-24 - signifies rescue companies
25-29 - signfies fire boats
30-39 - signifies utility or tanker trucks
40-49 - signifies non-fire line officer portable radio numbers
50-59 - signifies fire line officers (50 is designated for chief and so on)
60-69 - open radio numbers
70-79 - signifies BLS ambulances
80-89 - signifies ALS ambulances
90-99 - open radio numbers

Just for an example, my radio number is 1453.
what about multiple engines/rescues at one station?
Good question. We have 3 engines in our fleet. They are designated as 1401, 1402 and 1405. Most departments just start at 01 as their first out pumper and continue on. There aren't any departments in the county that have multiple aerials or rescues. Utility trucks go on the same way. Our units are 1435 and 1436.
in the county i live in is pretty much the same way but our tankers is 10-19, and our rescue and service are the 20's and ladders are 40'sthe 50's are chief off. and the 60's are captains and from 70 and some on is open for personal.

for ex.
asst chief-1652
batt. chief-1653 and 1654
captains are 1661,1662(witch is me) and 1663
our station # is 16 as you can see
Our Town has the district Number of Nine
The near by towns are 1, 5 , ect
So our trucks numbers start with a 9. The rest are diffrent.
91 Pumper/Engine
92 Pumper/Engine
93 Mini Booster
94 Tanker
96 6x6 Brush Truck
97 Pumper/Engine
98 Brush Pickup truck
And We are issued Fire Numbers. Starting, once again, with 9
My fire number is 929
Yes, we have a county 9-1-1 center. It is a pretty big county as far as size goes. The station designations are really pretty easy to follow. Before 1996, we dispatched our own calls. I dispatched or relayed for other departments because we happend to have the base station that would carry the farthest.

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