Does anyone have a step-by-step of the rescue knot?

It's basically a double loop fig 8, a half hitch, a bowline on a bight, and a overhand safety knot. But, I can't seem to get it 100%. I'm pretty good with my knots, but this one is a tuffy. I'm good up until the half hitch, but then I think I'm screwing up the bowline because it should fold down afterwards.

Any help is appreciated.



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This site will show you step by step how to tie knots.

I hope this helps.

Cat :o)
Thanks Fire Cat, but that's a negative.

I know the knots individually, I just can't put the finishing touches on the rescue knot. That's a great website, but it doesn't cover the rescue knot.


T. I am looking in my rope basic book and I am not sure what you are looking for. Is this all put together as one knot? We never did that I can see a figure eight with a half hitch and a bowline on a bite. That is a really weird knot. If you can clarify for me what you are looking for then maybe I can find what you are looking for in my rope basic or my intermediate rope book. I will continue to look and if I find anything I will let you know. I will keep looking and by the way if you don't mind me asking, what class is this from? Be safe.
Sorry T, I've been teaching ropes and knots for a while and I'm not familiar with this one. In the past I've heard of a standard bowline being called a "rescue knot". But nothing like the one you are describing. Are the 4 "knots" in series?

Okay, you got my interest so i went and got my saftey rope and I'm tying this one now. What is the application of this knot?

Thanks for the puzzle!

I hav enever heard of this "Rescue Knot". I have heard of every knot you described but the rescue knot. Where did it come from? What is its purpose? Seems like the usual double loop figure 8 should do the trick, whats all the other knots for? Extra personnel or stokes basket tie in? Interesting.
Are you talking about how to tie a firefighter directly into a rope without a harness?

If that is the case, the leg loops are a Double-Loop Figure 8.
There is a short piece of line between the leg loops and the chest loops.
The chest loops are tied using a Bowline-on-a-Coil. Another (old school) name for the Bowline-on-a-Coil is the Multi-Loop French Bowline.

The Bowline-on-a-Coil can be secured with an overhand safety knot, but the locking version of a Double Fisherman's Knot is better for life safety applications.

Is this what you're talking about? If so, if you can find one of the 1970's University of Maryland Basic Firemanship manuals, they have line drawing descriptions of this knot system.
Hi T. This may "rescue knot". I've found many fishing knots this way. You can copy and paste the directions. Good Luck, Norm
Alright guys, I've been practicing this knot, just came back from the drill ground, and I'm going to make a step-by-step instructional thingy on how to do it. Everyone in my AO must know it, not per IFSTA or NFPA or State, but because the departments around here use it and mandate it. You guys may not use it or like it, but hey, it's one more tool, right.

So, stand by. Might take me a day to get it all together, but now that I got it down, I wanna share it. Check back in about 24 hrs...
I'm not sure what a "rescue knot" is. Are you talking about a figure 8 on a bite? or a double figure 8?
Like Ben stated this is essentially a way for a firefighter to tie themself a harness using only a rope. Was standard in fire one where i'm from, you tied your own not then were lowered from the top floor of the training tower.
You have me on this one....I took Tech Rescue and High Angle Rescue and we don't have a thing on this...we did learn about 4 ways to tie a hasty harness....if fact we were told NOT to use the bowline anymore...that was not an approved knot for our purposes anymore due to a tenancy for it to slip....Hey, I've never seen one fail....that's just what they told us......Stay safe.....Always remember to keep the faith....Paul
All those knotts are considered RESCUE knotts. Never heard of them all together as one.

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