It is gone now thank you web chief . I wish when you make a forum you would think is it appropriate for this site . If i wanted to see naked women i would be on or something of that sort . When i am here i don't want to see that . I love this site keep it respectable . What are your thoughts ?

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I was on the campaign trail this week end.
I guess I missed something.
As has already been said, Web Chief manages quite well dealing with the terms of service issues.
No; I'm not sucking up.
The most prolific blogger on here doesn't need to suck up, thank you.
Cat: I have been involved in many firefighter websites where the topics get way off course. They will at some point, come back on point.
I think just about anything is fair game.
What I find objectionable is the ones who come on here and try to sell services or products and pretend to have our interests at heart. Not to mention the fact that they aren't buying ad space like everyone else.
Oh; and personal attacks and name calling are no-nos also. I don't mind heated debate, but let's be civil and respectful.
Web Chief does a great job at promptly dealing with issues not complying with the terms of service. I am sucking up I'm not a prolific blogger as you are, Art :o)

"Personal attacks and name calling are no-nos also. I don't mind heated debate, but let's be civil and respectful." I agree with you completely.

Cat :o)

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