It is gone now thank you web chief . I wish when you make a forum you would think is it appropriate for this site . If i wanted to see naked women i would be on or something of that sort . When i am here i don't want to see that . I love this site keep it respectable . What are your thoughts ?
Sure, Some of us at night end up going to calls in lounge pants and a shirt or sweat shirt and we were just wondering what some firefighters would respond in under their bunkers. We didn't expect it to take off the way it did. Was it meant to be as serious as other discussions? No, but it was meant to be a fun discussion. That's all.
Permalink Reply by T.J. on October 6, 2008 at 8:02am
LOL...................... Mike you make this sight sound like a drug and your going to rehab because you can't get enough of it, well I'm in the same boat with you Mike:)